Thursday 7 December 2017

Estrella de Navidad en crochet

Hola ,
Hoy os voy a explicar cómo se hace una estrella de Navidad en crochet, por petición de Nati de Almería, Trini de Sevilla , Ana de   La Rioja( España), Gabriela de Roma ( Italia) y Anaïs de México.
Os dejo el link del video de mi canal de YouTube si lo queréis ver :

Los materiales que vais a necesitar son :
Lana de cualquier color.
Crochet número 3.
Aguja lanera.
Abreviaciones :
P.a: punto alto ó vareta
P.b.: punto bajo
Cad.: cadenetas
Pd: punto deslizado
Hacer un anillo mágico,levantamos 2 cad. Al aire. Trabajamos alrededor del anillo 5 p. Piñas de 3 varetas , recordar que cada p. de piña hay que hacer 2 cad. De separación. ( si tenéis dudas ver el video o preguntarme )
Unir con un p. deslizado.
La 2° vuelta : en el primer espacio hacer un p. bajo , levantar dos cad., luego 2 puntos altos en el mismo espacio; 3 cad. de separación ,3 p.a en el mismo espacio , en el siguiente hueco hacer 3p.a.*, 3cad.*; 3p.a *. Repetir.
Al final de esta vuelta unir con un punto deslizado en la tercera cadena del primer punto que hicimos.

3° Vuelta :
En el mismo espacio del p.d anterior hacemos 1 p.b., y nos vamos al hueco de la cadeneta anterior , hacer 4 p.a. *; 3 cad* al aire , hacer un p.d.  en donde empieza la 1° cad. ( este es el pico de la estrella) y en el mismo espacio hacer otros 4 p.a.*;2 p.b.* en el medio de las siguientes 3 p.a*. Repetir lo mismo en el siguiente espacio de cadeneta.
Espero que disfrutéis de esta linda estrella.
Os invito que visitéis mi pagina de Facebook , allí encontraréis ideas para comprar y hacer hermosos regalos. también os dejo el link :
Un abrazo desde Irlanda.
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Double rib knitted hat

Hi ,How are you doing today?
Today I want to explain to you about double rib,also known as knit two .
This design is very easy to make and very cosy . Multiple of 4 stitches plus 2.
Mesure your head and cast on your stitches . This hats I made 69 stitches pink hat and the burgundy hat 75 stitches with the needles number 8.
Remember that it's a classic Stitch so you just need to knit two knit stitches k2 and two purl stitches p2,is repeated along each row . Until 11 or 13 cm length.
I hope you enjoy it.
Remember you can find me on
This hats are for sale,check out in
Follow me on Twitter : @embartisanknit
Pinterest and remember subscribe on embartisanknitting&crochet on YouTube.

Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting& crochet

Saturday 11 November 2017

Leg warmers for sale

Crocheted leg warmers for adult
Colour : salmon pink and grey
Free delivery for all Ireland , postage extra for delivery outside of Ireland.
Payment by bank transfer or PayPal.
Twitter @embartisanknit
YouTube embartisanknitting & crochet

Friday 10 November 2017

ARTISAN KNITTING: Knitted red cat hat

ARTISAN KNITTING: Knitted red cat hat

Knitted red cat hat

Knitted red cat hat
Ideal for children
One size Fits all
€8.50 payment for PayPal or bank transfer.
Free delivery for all Ireland.
Postage extra for outside of Ireland

Wednesday 25 October 2017

My items for sale

Hello everybody thank you for visiting my blog , my Twitter @embartisanknit, thank you for subscribing on YouTube channel embartisanknitting & crochet. Instagram; Pinterest and embartisanknitting emb group in facebook. I would like to extend my personal invitation for you to come and visit my Halloween,Christmas Baby accessories,hats,scarves and feel the experience of shopping in a beautiful environment that is dedicated 100% to you,your children and men ..
 You will be able to personalise your baby or child's hats ,scarves cardigans  or blankets with my  unique accessories knitted or crocheted with king Cole DK smarty,Merino or Aran wool.
I created an environment where you can buy beautiful designer ladies,mens, baby and children's hats,scarves,cardigans,snoods,blankets.. and I  have spent a lot of time in sourcing the most beautiful essentials for you and for everybody .
Please contact me if you have any queries whatsoever. . You can    email me :
Esther embartisanknitting ,Sligo Ireland.

Saturday 7 October 2017

Being Autonomous in Europe

Hello everybody:
I want to talk about to being autonomous in different European countries.

In my opinion :

A company can't wait weeks or even months to start a business. Being autonomous or setting up a company in Europe.There are huge differences. While in countries like Slovenia or Sweden only two bureaucratic procedures are required, in Spain there are seven. This places Spain and other EU countries as one of the most time-consuming states in Europe, with an average of 14 days or more.

In my case, I am in Ireland, according to surveys, Ireland works fast.In this region of Sligo, No one answers my emails and my letters, and my business plan was lost in the system, then two months later someone in secret,returned it to me, in an envelope,postage paid.Why do they do this ?,
Then they put pressure on the people to find work. I want to work and they do not leave me do it!!.. Some people think that being civil service they can take the law into their own hands,acting with power and you have to shut up, because if you talk, they can complicate your life by internal actions. Anyway, I've been an entrepreneur for 15 years,and no one is going to shut me up,So, I am positive and will explain to you the differences of being autonomous in different European countries.

In the case of the self-employed, "as a general rule", tax is paid on a pay as you earn basis, so the countries which help a person,give time to establish themselves.

The best countries in Europe who help people establish themselves as self-employed or Entrepreneurs are Denmark and the United Kingdom - due to their creation of Business in 2017 - along with others in our part of the world, Germany - ranked top, Portugal-ranked 25-, France -occupies the 29th position, and, finally, my country Spain, which according to the study rises one position in the list, placing them 32nd most prosperous to establish business.

1. Denmark

In Denmark there is no distinction between the establishment of a company and self-employment. The process of becoming self-employed can be done online. Likewise, it is not necessary to pay monthly fees or registration, but the payment of taxes on profits varies between 25 and 50%, according to how old the business is. Finally, education in the country is free, also for European students,which gives an advantage to young people who want to stay after their studies.

2. United Kingdom

In the case of the United Kingdom, if there is an income of less than 6,879 euros, there is no obligation to pay taxes. In the event that this amount is exceeded, it will be paid based on the benefits obtained in the year, as reported by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security. On the other hand, one of the main advantages of the UK is that when starting a business you "do not require a minimum capital to constitute a Company <Limited Liability Company)

3. Germany

Self-employed workers in Germany have to pay compulsory health insurance that is between 150 and 200 euros. In addition, and depending on the billing - specifically, if the benefits exceed 1,700 euros net per month -, it is mandatory to pay a fee of 140 euros per month. On the other hand,for those under 30 years of age and those who do not pay more than 17,500 euros per year, it is not necessary to pay VAT. Even so, anyone who wants to start a business in Germany must have a large capital, since "to build a new company there you need about 25,000 euros."

4. Portugal

In Portugal, the self-employed are not subject to monthly fees, nor do they have to pay VAT on a mandatory basis. However, these advantages are reduced from the tax point of view. Thus,as stated by the head of Face Entrepreneurship, "the Portuguese have to pay around 24% in taxes, which is one of the highest percentages of the European Union." Even so,Portugal is positioned as one of the states in which it takes less time to begin, with an average of 2.5 days.

5. France

One of the main advantages of France is that during the first year of self-employment nothing is paid. At this time, workers have the right to receive free health care, retirement and temporary incapacity. In the first year of business there is a scale that determines the quota that each self-employed worker must allocate according to his income and his work activity, that is to say, the profession chosen,gives him a chance to start the business. In addition, as in the United Kingdom, in France there is no minimum capital requirement to constitute a business.
That's my opinion.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Embartisanknitting & Crochet .

Sunday 24 September 2017

Online shopping benefits

Hello everyone, how are you?
Today I'm going to talk about online stores. As you know, I make my own designs in crochet and knitting and then I sell them. Online stores have the great advantage of reaching a very important sector of the population that live away from the big cities.

This online shopping system benefits millions of customers who are changing their shopping habits by the facilities we offer: easy pay online, free returns, free shipping, eg: if you make a minimum payment of €40.
So if you wish to buy for Halloween, Christmas,or babies blankets, leg warmers for ballet .. you can ask me without any problem.

Twitter @embartisanknit
Embartisanknitting emb group of facebook
Subscribe , share and comment on my YouTube Embartisanknitting & crochet

Friday 15 September 2017

chal a punto de red en crochet

Hola a tod@s
Hacía tiempo que no escribía en mi idioma el Español , el motivo que escribo más en Inglés es porque primero vivo en Irlanda, y recibo muchos email desde EEUU, UK, Australia, Alemania..y lógicamente estas maravillosos amigos me escriben en Inglés. Esta semana me han escrito nuevos amigos de México, Argentina, Bolivia y desde mi país que España, os aseguro que estoy muy feliz que nuevos amigos me escriban en mi idioma, en este blog y cual sea mi youtube, Twitter.. seas de EEUU, Español,Mexicano, Filipino,Alemán..sea cual sea vuestra nacionalidad, sois todos bienvenidos.

Me habéis pedido el patrón de chal a punto de red en crochet ( podeis ver la foto en Instagram) , no sé que pasa hoy que no puedo descargar la foto aquí.
El chal lo hice con una lana de composición 50% algodón y 50 % lana, para un ganchillo de grosor 4,5 mm, y he utilizado sobre 3 ovillos de 50 gr.

Explicación:  1ª vuelta: se tejen 11 cadenetas y se cierran con punto enano .
 2ª vuelta: se tejen 8 cadenetas y se hace un punto bajo ,dentro del círculo anterior formado por las 11 cadenetas. A continuación se tejen 5 cadenetas y un punto alto en el mismo círculo de la vuelta anterior .
 3ª vuelta: se tejen 8 cadenetas, punto bajo, 5 cadenetas, punto bajo, 5 cadenetas y punto alto.
 4ª vuelta: se tejen 8 cadenetas, punto bajo, 5 cadenetas, punto bajo, 5 cadenetas, punto bajo, 5 cadenetas y punto alto.
 5ª vuelta: se tejen 8 cadenetas, punto bajo, 5 cadenas, punto bajo, 5 cadenas, punto bajo, 5 cadenetas, punto bajo, 5 cadenetas y punto alto. y así sucesivamente hasta el largo que vosotras queráis . Repito que es muy fácil de hacer.
Ah!! Os recuerdo que tengo mi canal de YouTube embartisankitting & crochet Podéis subscribiros ,es totalmente gratis, y así no os perdéis  los videos que pongo en YouTube  hay vídeos en Inglés y en Español, podeis seguirme en Twitter @embartisanknit , en mi grupo de Facebook embartisanknitting emb, Instagram ,Pinterest ,podeis comprar o encargarme lo que queráis con tiempo razonable en mi tienda etsy el link es : . Un abrazo a todos y todas
Esther ,embartisanknitting & crochet

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Business plan

Ladies and gentlemen:

 I've been trying for a few months to work and advance my business. you see, I had to come here to Ireland, for fifteen years I had my own business in Barcelona,( Spain) ​​I can tell you that it worked very well, but for trusting my ex .. I lost everything. then I came here(Ireland) and worked as a nurse in a dental laboratory, after working here in Ireland,I sent CV's to companies and the replies came back,sorry,but no!:. I am a very active woman, and these "No's", started to give me low self-esteem. One day my boyfriend bought me a crochet & knitting magazine that included wool and needles for knitting. Hallelujah and blessed was this gift from my bf, it gave me oxygen and reminded me when I was young and wove with my grandmothers and my aunt. I promise you this was .. life for me. some friends and neighbours began to buy my clothes. and I was happy and grateful. as I told you at the beginning of this blog, I've been struggling for months to have my own business, but I have no money, and honestly there are some who have put stones on the road. For example someone diverted my business plan and after two months they sent me my busines plan anonymously ..but oops .. the postmark showed where it came from, LOL, Although I am very angry about this, because a business plan is confidential, lost or not lost ... anyway .. I'll try to be smart, ladies & gentlemen, I'm not going to say names, but that's not to say that I will shut up.

I assure you that I, like most mortals, have many ideas of a possible business. The problem is that some people's ideas are ridiculous, many are just bad, a few come in the category of mediocre, and few, unfortunately very few, are acceptable. But even considering only this last category, it is a much smaller amount of them that become successful.

For all this, my business plan is my personal plan:

- The academic and professional training of the work team behind this business plan
- A good network of professional contacts.
- My professional experience about crochet, knitting classes, haberdashery and I speak five languages.
- The "art" of transforming an idea into a reality
- I have a vision of business in the medium and long term.
- I have perseverance, patience and work, everything in great quantity.
It's true that someone can help?
So if any investor reads my blog, I am openly asking if anyone can invest in my business plan to haberdashery online.
In Vite you to watch my videos tutorials on embartisanknitting& crochet on YouTube.
Thank you
Embartisanknitting & crochet

Thursday 7 September 2017

Designing is

Hello everybody
When I think about knitting or crocheting a hat, scarf, or any garment, it comes out of my purity, intense emotions. It's not about the design. These are feelings towards what I want to knit.I wonder, is there anyone who understands me? If you have a designer spirit, you know what I'm talking about.
Hugs to all.
Embartisanknitting & crochet

Thursday 31 August 2017

Coin purses in crochet

Check out this item in my Etsy shop
Remember that it's free delivery for Ireland.
P & p not exclusive for the rest countries.
It's nice to shop!!

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Friday 18 August 2017

My Barcelona

Hi my friends,
Today I don't speak about crochet or knitting.
Today I want to say stop terrorism. Last time Europe ( Paris,London,Berlin,Belgium...and now my city Barcelona and Cambrils ,Co.Tarragona)suffered those attacks.
It's hard to explain how I'm feeling...
I have lived in Ireland four years ago, and my daughter lives in Barcelona.
When I watched the news about the van crash in the Ramblas of heart My heart shrank with fear, anguish of knowing nothing of her. Thank God, she's fine. But how sad all this, why so much hate? .. They say we are racist? . No. Europe is not racist. But we Europeans can not tolerate that some crazy people attack our towns, cities ... These crazy people have killed innocent people, people who have worked and saved to enjoy a vacation, and who have found death without any fault of anything. Why? Why all this??
Barcelona ,Where I was born, where I grew up and where I have the people I love. All my support to affected families. I love you Barcelona , I love you Cambrils , . I love all people who belive in the pace.
London,NY,Paris,Berlin,Cambrils,Barcelona all Countries.. We are not afraid !
Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting&crochet

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Prices of our designs

Hello friends of embartisanknitting & crochet.
Today we are going to talk about the prices of our designs.Our work and our creativity have to be paid for. It is true that when we start a project of sewing, crochet, knitting or even making a cake,We are afraid to put the price, and there are people who protest saying "Oh Esther,its very lovely, but very expensive", and.. even try to knock down the price of our designs,without respect our work. Please Don't tolerate it!!. Because I wonder if these people know how much the material is worth, our working hours, our tax we pay, etc? Would they barter the prices when they go to the Cinema, or when they go to the hairdresser, supermarket, etc? No, right?. When they go to the cinema, they pay the price that the cinema asks, similarly with us,customers have to respect us and we have to make a profit, Selling designs will not make you a millionaire, but logically you want to earn some money for what you did and not give away your time. This is not to say that if you want to give it away, you can do it. But if you want to make money, think about:
 Price of packaging, boxes, sellotape,etc. ...

- Price of your brand, business cards, stickers with your image.

- Price of your web, blog, cost of online store, etc.

- Price of materials.

- Price of buying raw materials.

- Prices of shipping costs.

- Price of your time.

Study all these points, divide it by the products you make.

- The product is easier to buy. Make them easier the methods of payment: Paypal, cash on delivery, transfer, by card. The easier it gets, the better.

- The product arrives before. If you certify the shipment, if you work with an effective transport agency. Keep the customer informed of the status of your product.

- The product is fashionable. If it is fashionable, you succeed, and if you succeed, your client does not pay for it.

- The product is exclusive. The more different and creative your product is, the client will not mind paying more for it. The more you differentiate yourself from the competition, the better you can put the highest price. Thank you very much for reading me.
A hug Esther embartisanknitting & crochet

Saturday 5 August 2017

How to make heart stitch in crocher

Hello everybody. I want to explain to you that I have my blogspot and this new blog some time i will write too because I have my own Etsy to sale my own designs. My other blogspot is :
Oh yes , I want to say you too that I uploaded my new video on my YouTube channel this is the link if you want watch
This pattern it's a multiple of six stitches plus one .
The first row make all treble crochet until the end.
The second row all single crochet.and change the colour.
The third row you make pineapple stitch of 3. Separate of 2ch. Skip 5 stititches and in the sixth stitch make another 3* pineapple stitch 2 chains* and in the same space make another pineapple stitch ofthree*.repeat this steps until the end.change colour.
Fourth row : all single crochet
Repeat rows 2, and 3.
I suggest you to watch the video on YouTube channel. I think you'll understand better this lovely Stitch.
Thanks. And happy!!
Esther embartisanknitting& crochet.

Monday 24 July 2017

Love yourself & love your familiy

Hello/ Hola.
Everybody knows that I am a nurse who loves knitting and crochet with a passion.
I just I want say that:
In your home, love yourself and love your family.
The same as the  medicine cabinet, crochet needles, knitting needles, cleaning products.. must be installed in an accessible place for you, but out of reach of children.
Take care and be happy. :-)
Esther embartisanknitting.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Lace stitch in knitting

Hello / Hola.
Last week in my video on YouTube Embartisanknitting &crochet channel I put a tutorial about " Lace Stitch " in Spanish and English.
This pattern it's a multiple of 2 plus 1 stitch extra.
Cast on with odd stitches( I mean 1-3-5-7-9-11-13....)
Row one: 1 knit*; knit2stitches together*; yarn over*; repeat this until the end ,but the last stitches, you make one normal knit and another normal one knit. Yes ? ;-)

Row two : all row purl stitch.

Row three : 1 knit stitch*; yarn over*; now pass one stitch without knitting to your right needle*;then knit the next stitch*; and now pass over the stitch that you haven't worked*, repeat : yarn over...until the end.

Row four : all row purl stitch.
Now repeat the rows first,second, third and fourth all the time.
Easy to make, yes?.
If you want to you can find my video on YouTube embartisanknitting "lace Stitch"
Thanks for reading my blog.
Hugs from a Spanish person who lives in Ireland.
Remember be happy. :))

Friday 14 July 2017

Nurses bag in crochet

Hello friends, how are you doing?
 I want to show you this nurses bag in crochet. It is very easy to do is all dc stitches. Measures of this bag: 30 cm / 12 inches wide, and 28 cm / 11 inch long. Enjoy and Happy weekend for all my followers of Twitter:@embartisanknit and Instagram: Embartisanknitting, and all subscribers of my YouTube channel : embartisanknitting emb939.
Remember be happy .:))

Saturday 8 July 2017

Flower in Granny Design

Hi guys,how are you. I hope you are all well.
Today I uploaded a video on YouTube embartisanknitting emb939.
This granny is easy,beautiful and fast.
Start with six chains. Then join one ss in the first ch.
Next row : one chain( counts as first dc) ,make eleven dc more ( in total is 12 dc).
2on.row: 15 ch,one ss in the next chain. This is the first petal. Make 12 petals in total finish with a ss.
3rd. Row. Make ss until arrive in the middle of the petal. Now make 3 ch. ( counts as first a tr) , then make a tr without finish and another tr without finish,when you take 3 loops on your hook,take the yarn and pull through , then make 4 chain and in the same space make another 3tr without finish them close it.this is your first corner; 4 ch; dc in the next petal other dc, makes another corner and repeat all.
4th row:2 ss. Make a corner same the previous row, make 4 ch, one dc in the next petal, 4 ch,now make 3 tr without finish when you get 3 loops on the hook,close, make 4ch, then dc in the next petal,makes another corner and repeat all.
Remember that you can watch my video on YouTube embartisanknitting emb939.
Be happy!!

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Happy 4th July

Hi guys , to all my Americans friends :
Happy fourth of July!!
Crocheted American headband.
Esther embartisanknitting emb group of facebook
Instagram , Twitter:@embartisanknit , YouTube:embartisanknitting emb939.

Monday 3 July 2017

Black shawl

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.
I want to show You  this lovely shawl and while the design is elaborate, don't think it is so difficult.
It is made with square and inside  pineapple stitch , then you join it to give it the length you want, and then the fans are woven around.
I leave my pic and diagram .
I hope you make this nice shawl, and I hope you send me photos made by you. thanks for reading me . Remember that I am in  this blog : , on instagram: embartisanknitting,

in embartisanknitting emb939 of Youtube, on Twitter: @embartisanknit. Instagram and in my Facebook group: embartisanknitting emb. You are all welcome. Be happy !!

Saturday 1 July 2017

African flower in crochet

Hello, how are you doing?
Today we will learn African flower ( if you want follow my tutorial video on embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube).
You will need :
2 or 3 different colours of wool.
A pair of scissors.
Crochet hook.

Start with simple loop ring.
Two chains ( counts as first half treble crochet) ,one half treble crochet,close,one chain* . Repeat this six times. In total you'll get six groups.
Next round . Change colour , 2 htr,close one chain and make another 2 htr in the same space , close and one chain.repeat it until you get six groups.
Next round : change colour . Now in every space make normal treble crochet ( 7 treble crochet in each group) and one SC.finish with ss.
The last round, change again of the colour, make one single crochet every 7th treble crochet. Then make one SC into the hook in the second row and pull up  and  make a single crochet,all row is the same.
I hope you like this tutorial.
Remember that you can subscribe,comment,share in my channel of YouTube.
Follow me on
Twitter @embartisanknit
Embartisanknitting emb club of Facebook.
Instagram : embartisanknitting.

Picot net stitch crochet
Check out my video on YouTube embartisanknitting emb939

Tuesday 27 June 2017

My reason d'être

Hello everyone , how are you?
There are people who ask me, if I am a midwife or pediatric nurse , why I'm knitting and crocheting. I am a woman over 45, I have asked for a job here at the Irish Hospitals, and they have not given me a job saying stupid excuses, (here in Ireland I only worked in a dentist lab). I got tired of hearing,no, no, no. Thanks to my grandmothers and my aunt, they taught me crochet and knitting when I was 11 years old. I liked it, and although I do not make money for the moment,I am doing this because I truly believe that it will succeed. I am so passionate about this venture called embartisanknitting and I am completely determined to make it work.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Esther embartisanknitting

Monday 26 June 2017

About my blog and my group

Hello everybody,
About this group embartisanknitting from Facebook and my blog Artisan knitting from blogspot. Today I have delighted some people from the group. My blog and my group is not only about sharing crochet and knitting, I also share tutorials, patterns, recipes, buy and sell everything related to do with handmade goods, it can be cakes, sewing ,crochet, cooking.., I am not in favor of prohibitions, But i believe that for the good of all, the only thing I will ban are the following issues: politics, racism or religious talk, since they are generally reasons for aggression, so they will be eliminated without any explanation. the people who offend others, it is very simple , If you do not like something,please let it go or you leave, nobody should be where you do not feel comfortable.
Any problems, let me know in private please,  and  I'll to make decisions. Thank you all. I hope we you enjoy this group  with armory ,passion , respect  and we share everything that we do in life, which I reiterate is not just woven!!
Hola a todos y a todas .
Sobre este grupo embartisanknitting de Facebook y mi blog Artisan knitting de blogspot. Hoy he eliminado algunas personas del grupo. Mi blog y mi grupo no es solo de compartir crochet y tejido, también de puede compartir tutoriales,  costura , patrones, recetas, comprar y vender todo relacionado con hacer algo artesanal, puede ser pasteles, crochet, cocinar ..,
Yo no soy partidaria de las prohibiciones , Pero creo que por el bien de todos, lo único que voy a prohibir son temas :políticos, racismo o religiosos, ya que generalmente son motivos de agresión, asi que serán eliminadas sin ninguna explicación las personas que ofendan una otra, Esto es muy simple , Si no te gusta algo o lo dejas pasar o te vas, nadie debe estar donde no se sienta cómodo.
Si hubiera algún problema hacérmelo saber en privado por favor , yo tomaría medidas para solucionarlo .. Gracias a todas / os. ¡Espero que seamos un grupo hermoso, con armonía , respeto   y compartimos todo lo que no pasa en la vida, que reitero no es solo tejido,crochet !!
Esther embartisanknitting.

Crocheted Peace sign diagram

Hi/ Hola
I'm so happy to show you how to make the peace sign in crochet.
It's very easy you can combine colours.
So if you are ready?
Let's begin !!
Start with 4 ch, now make a slip stitch to make the ring.
Row one : 6 ch, 1 triple treble crochet in the ring ;,9 chains; in the ring 2 triple treble crochet; 3 ch; 2times triple treble crochet in the ring; 3 chains,another2triple treble crochet in the ring ; 9 ch. And s/s. To join top chain on starting 6 ch.

Row two:1ch( doesn't count as first single crochet), now SC ( single crochet) in each stitch around( not in the spaces,but actually in the stitches it looks neater),slip stitch to join in first SC.
Loop 5 ch and ss in next SC.
Here we are the peace sign.
See the diagram below.
Thanks for reading me.
Remember that you can watch my videos tutorials on embartisanknitting emb939 on YouTube, you can subscribe,Comment and share.
Join me in embartisanknitting emb group on facebook.
Follow me on Twitter :@embartisanknit
Instagram: embartisanknitting emb939
And if you want comment or share this blog I'll be glad.
Esther embartisanknitting. Artisan knitting.
Be happy!!

Hermosos consejos

Hola amigos , me gustaría compartir estos hermosos consejos
Pensar positivo. Hacer ejercicio diario. Comer sano. Trabajar duro y con pasión . Mantenerse fuertes . Preocúpate menos. Bailar más , pintar tu vida de colores , hacer crochet ó teje punto con dos agujas , bordar , cocinar , escuchar música.. hacer lo que realmente os   gusta y hacerlo con amor . Ser felices.
Esther embartisanknitting.

Sunday 25 June 2017

Hola a todos y todas .
Esta manta va para una niña de 11 años , y enferma de cáncer, ella está ingresada en  El Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla .
Me escribió un email hace un mes , me dijo que ella y su madre ven mis vídeos en YouTube , y que ellas dos saben que soy enfermera.
Os lo juro como madre que soy , y adoro los niños , yo me puse a llorar al leer su email y sus hermosas palabras hacia mi y a todas las personas que nos gusta hacer crochet y punto.
Pues , mi manera de dar las gracias es enviarte con todo mi amor y cariño para ti Martina . Cuídate y que Dios te proteja y bendiga.
Esther embartisanknitting.

Saturday 17 June 2017

Puntos cruzados en dos agujas

Hola qué tal?
Hoy os voy a explicar sobre los puntos cruzados realizados en dos agujas.
Me lo han pedido varias personas desde mi país España.
Los motivos son múltiplos de 6 puntos más dos puntos de borde.
En el video de mi canal embartisanknitting emb939 de YouTube lo veréis mejor.
Las primeras dos vueltas se hace en punto jersey ( es decir, una vuelta punto derecho y otra vuelta punto del revés). Nota importante : en la primera vuelta el primer punto se teje,el resto de vueltas el primer punto No se teje.
Una vez que has tejido las dos vueltas de punto jersey. Empezamos con la siguiente vuelta con los puntos cruzados. Sé pasa el punto de borde sin tejer. Pasar tres puntos a la aguja auxiliar y los dejas descansar por detrás del tejido. Teje los siguientes tres p. Al dicho. Y luego pasa los tres p. de la aguja auxiliar a la aguja izquierda y los tejes al derecho. Luego vuelve a pasar tres p. A la aguja auxiliar y déjalos descansar por detrás del tejido* , repite todo esto hasta finalizar la vuelta.
Luego haces una vuelta del rev , una vuelta del derecho , una vuelta del revés, y en la siguiente vuelta pasar el primer punto sin tejer, teje los tres primeros puntos al derecho, y ahora pasa tres puntos a la aguja auxiliar y los dejas descansar por delante *   teje los siguientes tres puntos, pasa los tres puntos de la aguja aux. A la aguja izquierda y los tejes al derecho ,repite esto hasta finalizar la vuelta.
Luego se hace otra vez una vuelta de todos los puntos al revés, una vuelta con todos los puntos al derecho, y una vuelta de todos los puntos al revés. La siguiente vuelta se hace el cruce de puntos : un p.s/ tejer, tres puntos a la aguja auxiliar descansar por detrás y así sucesivamente.  Si tienes alguna duda consulta mi video en YouTube ó escribeme en mi grupo embartisanknitting emb de Facebook ó en mi email :

Friday 16 June 2017

The clothes of the newborn needs

Hello everyone,
 I would like to give some small tips for future mums. For 24 years I have been a midwife, and I have crocheted and knitted many newborn clothes.

The clothes of the newborn that needs, this list is indispensable:

Bodysuit, pyjamas, socks, hats ... The baby needs newborn clothes specific to him. Do you want to have everything ready when they are born? I detail here the basics that can not be missed.

The newborn needs a whole series of essentials to meet their needs. In terms of newborn clothes, it is not necessary to have a thousand clothes, but it is important that you do not miss the basic pieces, which are:

• Bodysuit, The bodysuit is the most used clothes with the baby, and it is important to have between 5 and 7 bodysuits of different sizes. It is best that they have fasteners in front and in the crotch, to facilitate the nappy change. It is also convenient to have 5 or 7 shirts and 5 or 7 panties .

• Pyjamas . It is the garment that you will use the most during the first months of the baby. For this reason, it is important that the baby's pyjamas and trousers are comfortable, easy to put on and take off. It is advisable to have between 5 and 7 pyjamas and about 5 trousers, in various sizes.

• Hats. Babies tend to lose more heat by the head, so it is advisable to wear a hat, especially if it is cold. The idea is to have a woollen hat and a cotton hat.

• Socks or booties. The newborn still does not wear shoes, but will use socks or shoes to keep the temperature of the feet. It is also useful to have some mittens.

• Sets for walking. You must have newborn clothes to go for a walk with the baby, something that is recommended to do daily if time allows. To walk, you can dress your baby as handsome as you want, but it is advisable, above all, to be comfortable. To avoid getting cold, you must have a coat or anorak.

• Blanket. A very useful basic if it's a little bit chilly or a little bit fresh, whether you are at home or strolling. Anyway, remember that you must cover the baby accustomed to conditions without too much fuss. You may find it useful to have muslin. One trick to know if the little one is cold is to touch the tip of the nose: if it is cold, you should shelter it more. Instead, if you touch the back of the neck and feel

sweating, you can remove some clothes.
 If you want some item made by me, contact me at With all my love: Esther
Find me on embartisanknitting emb group of facebook
Twitter @embartisanknit

Sunday 11 June 2017

Crochet quote .

Memories are #crochet & #knit with love .
Happy Sunday to all. :)
embartisanknitting emb group of facebook
Instagram: embartisankitting
YouTube video: embartisanknitting emb939

Saturday 10 June 2017

Vest top for a baby boy

Hi ,
I want to explain to you how you can make this:
Vest top for a baby boy.
You will need :
3 balls king Cole Panache double knitting
A pair of needles no. 5 and 6.
A pair of scissors.
With the needles no 5. Make  waist band  ( two knit stitch*; two purl stitch*) repeat it 6 rows.
Sixth row change the needles no 6. Make five knit stitches* and 5 purl stitches* ,repeat this  all rows that you need until the  armhole. Then , Reduce four stitches on each side to form the armhole well.
Work until the shoulder.
Check out the video on

Beautiful combination of cable and braid in crochet

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Short Loop Flower

Hello,how are you?
I want to show you how to make short loop flower in crochet.
Crochet flowers are very beautiful,it's easy and very quick to make. You can use to decorate,crochet hats,bags,scarves.
This flower is worked in two colours. A and B.
Make 4 chains and join with ss to first chain to form a ring.
Round 1- one chain ( doesn't as a st) make 8 single crochet in the ring . Join with ss to the first single crochet of round.
Round 2- one chain( doesn't count as a st) , one single crochet in same place as ss . *2 single crochet in the next single crochet, rep from * to end. Join with a ss to first single crochet of round. Now You have 16 single crochet. Finish off A.
Round 3- Using colour B. Join with a ss, one ch ,work *( one single crochet, 9 chain, 1 single crochet) all in the next single crochet. One single crochet in the next single crochet, rep from *. Six times more. Finish off.I hope that you are happy with Short Loop Flower.
Remember that I am in my group of facebook embartisanknitting emb.
Follow me on Twitter@embartisanknit.
And subscribe on embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube videos.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Route to visit my lovely city BARCELONA,Spain

Hello everyone, there are many people who asked me to visit my lovely city Barcelona in a few days. I have planned a route to visit Barcelona in four days.
First of all is that you should always control your belongings. Barcelona is very nice but unfortunately there are pickpockets, they always pick on tourists to steal,so beware!. Please keep this in mind. OK ?
Day 1: Arrival in Barcelona

When you arrive at Barcelona Airport, I recommend that you take the Aerobus, it is much cheaper than taking a taxi, the Airbus will leave you in the Plaza de Catalunya (in the heart of Barcelona (If you want, for this first night I recommend you Here in Montjuic you can visit the Castle, and enter to stroll to eat and drink in the towns of Spain, is a beautiful enclosure that you will be able to see the main monuments of Spain, Also visit theaters in the Parallel.
Day 2: Barcelona: the Gothic Quarter and Paseo de Gracia

Recommended route to visit the Gothic Quarter in the morning with the Cathedral of Barcelona. Then go to the Boqueria Market and eat at ", pinocho", is a bar that I have gone many times. Stroll along Rambla Catalunya and Paseo de Gracia. Visit the Casa Batlló and the Pedrera (works by Gaudí).

In the afternoon recommended itinerary to stroll around El Born visiting the Picasso Museum and the church of Santa María del Mar (Cathedral of the Sea). In the Born I recommend you to see the Station of France (it is a train station that communicates from Barcelona to the rest of Europe), the parc of Ciutadella and the Zoo. Typical restaurants mariners.

Day 3: Barcelona: Las Ramblas and the Sagrada Familia

Morning route recommended by the Ramblas, the Raval and Port Vell. Restaurant recommended in Barceloneta to eat a fantastic paella are the restaurants: "El Sheriff"; "La Gavina" and "El vaso de Oro" In the afternoon visit the Hospital de San Pau and the Sagrada Familia. Later walk around the neighborhood of Gracia.

In the Smart Route you will always have the indications to go from place to place !. This you can ask in your Hotel or in the tourist offices of the city.

Day 4: Barcelona: Park Güell
And if you like football .. visit the two fabulous teams of the city: the Barça "Nou Camp"( Metro/underground Line 5  stop Collblanc, or Line 3 stop Les Corts , or get the Tram. and R.C.D Espanyol Stadium in Cornellá (here you can take bus or Metro/Underground line 5 )
For this last day I recommend you visit the Park Güell, another of Gaudí's great works and visit the Monastery of Pedralbes. If you want more information or other routes, ask me, I'll be happy to help you.
Thanks for asking me this questions.
Esther embartisanknitting.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Búho / Owl embartisanknitting

Hola, algunas chicas de España, México y de Argentina,  me han preguntado de cómo se teje un búho en punto de dos agujas,pues aquí lo tenemos!!.
Espero que mis indicaciones os ayudé hacer este bonito diseño.
Con sólo 50 gr podéis hacer un gorro para niños entre 2 ó 3 años. Yo he utilizado unas agujas del número 5  porque esta lana lo requiere.
Montar 52 pts con el método que cada uno / una sepa. Hacer 6 psd a punto jersey derecho y 2 psd a punto jersey reves.
9ª psd, 16 pts al rev, 8 pts al der, 28 pts al rev.
10º psd los puntos como salen.
11ª psd, 16 pts al rev, 2 pts pasar a la aguja auxiliar y dejar por detras de la labor, hacer 2 pts al der y luego los 2 pts de la aguja auxiliar al der. Pasar 2 pts a la aguja auxiliar y dejar por delante de la labor, hacer 2 pts al der y luego los 2 pts de la aguja auxiliar al der, 28 pts al rev.
Hacer 9 psd mas. Todos los pts como salen.
21ªpsd = 11ª psd.(16 pts al rev, 2 pts pasar a la aguja auxiliar y dejar por detras de la labor, hacer 2 pts al der y luego los 2 pts de la aguja auxiliar al der. Pasar 2 pts a la aguja auxiliar y dejar por delante de la labor, hacer 2 pts al der y luego los 2 pts de la aguja auxiliar al der, 28 pts al rev.)
Hacer 5 psd mas. los pts como se presentan.
27ª psd = 11ªpsd = 21ªpad.
28ªpsd, todos los pts como se presentan.
29ª- 36ªpsd  todos los pts a punto jersey revés.
Luego cerrar los puntos de dos en dos en punto al revés . Cortar hebra y listo para coser tu proyecto finalizado y no se os olvide de poner dos botones para adornar los ojos.
Pues un abrazo grande a todos y todas que me escribís en mi email: y en mi grupo embartisanknitting emb de Facebook.
Esther embartisanknitting.

Friday 26 May 2017

Unforgettable memories

Hello ,how are you?
When I think of all the patients and their families with whom I have worked over the years, I know that many of them do not remember me or, I do not remember them. But I know that I have given a little of myself to each of them, and they to me. This has built a pretty tapestry in my head and formed my pediatric nursing career.
Just something I want to share with you.
Esther embartisanknitting.
Embartisanknitting emb group of facebook.
embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube.
Twitter #embartisanknit
Instagram embartisanknitting.

Sunday 21 May 2017

Some abbreviations

Hello ,how are you?
I thought I'd start a list of abbreviations, because there are some people who speak Spanish and they do not understand the abbreviations in English. I understand them, because I am also Spanish and at first I did not understand these abbreviations in English, my advantage now is that I live here in Ireland I learnt these. I know abbreviations in Spanish and English. Most of us use them and I know how grateful I was for a list when I first started posting on this Group. Any suggestions please post them below and I'll add them to this post so they're altogether. BF - Boyfriend BIL - Brother-in-law BTW - By The Way DD - Darling Daughter DH - Darling Husband DIL - Daughter-in-law DS - Darling Son FYI- For Your Information GF - Girlfriend GOM - Grumpy Old Man HTG - Honest To God HTH - Hope This Helps KIP - Knit In Public LK - Lets Knit magazine MIL - Mother-in- Law - NP - No Problem OH - Other Half OMG - Oh My God / Gosh / Goodness OT - Other Topic or Off Topic PG - Please God PM - Private Message PMSL - Peed Myself Laughing ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing SIL -Sister in  Law . SS- Slip stitch TG - Thank God TTFN - Ta Ta For Now TTYL - Talk To You Later TY - Thank You UFO - UnFinished Object WIP - Work In Progress WNW - We're Not Worthy.
Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting

Thursday 18 May 2017

Crochet or knit for older people

Hello, how are you?.
Today I want to talk about the benefits of  crochet and knitting.
Knitting and crochet are very popular, when I had my own business taking care of sick people in Barcelona (Spain).I asked the old people what activities they liked doing.Many ladies told me that they missed crochet and knitting. This is a great activity for some older people as they keep the fingers moving & the brain busy.
Believe me it was a pleasure for me  to see how happy they were doing their crochet and knitting.
Bravo for them!!
Esther embartisanknitting.

Saturday 13 May 2017

How to make knotted cable panel
Watch the tutorial  video on embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube channel.
This cable worked on multiples of 4+6.
10 stitches cable and added 8 extra( 2 stitches for a border, and 2 stitches for a reverse stoking stitch background..
It's only four rows.
And then repeat it these four rows until the cable is as long as you like
I hope that you are happy with my tutorial embartisanknitting emb939 and enjoy it.
Hugs from Ireland.
Esther embartisanknitting.

Who said that crochet is old fashion?

Hello everybody,
I want to share  this great news for you.
Your Grandma's Crochet Is Actually fashion. Yes!!
Designers have been feeling crafty lately. Over the last year, runways were dotted with artisan handiwork that came in the form of odd embellishments: modern quilting and, perhaps most visibly, crochet. Jonathan Anderson showed his affinity for grandmother's knits at his Fall 2017 menswear show, while Jeremy Scottwove colorful body-hugging dresses for Resort 2017. There was also Adam Selman, who crocheted cute miniskirts and polo shirts at his Spring 2017 outing. These designers made it clear that crochet is not just for old ladies, and this season is ripe for taking the trend from the runway to the street. The material is offbeat and wildly experimental, and that's exactly what risk-takers and Instagram girls have been craving of late.

It's about mixing and matching: Pair a crochet jumper with a leather motorcycle jacket; A '60s silhouette dress with a fetish choker; Or a knit top-handle bag and a pair of front-button track pants and sneakers. Getting artsy with your wardrobe is the name of the fashion game. Above, six ways to wear and rework the old school knit.
So ,crochet let's go!! :)
Esther embartisanknitting
Join me in:
embartisanknitting emb group of facebook.
Follow me on Twitter @embartisanknit
Instagram Embartisanknitting.
Youtube embartisanknitting emb939
Email me at

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Watch video how to make headband in crochet
How to make headband in crochet.
Watch the video on embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube video.
Enjoy,comment,subscribe and share. :)

Saturday 6 May 2017

Cross stitch in crochet video in English
Check out in embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube video. Or in my group embartisanknitting emb group of facebook.

It's in multiples of 6 +2 extra
First row : we start with one chain more to make one single crochet in the 2nd chain from your hook and work all this row with  single crochet.
Second row : 6 chains( counts as first triple treble crochet). Now wrap the yarn 3 times around the hook and insert hook in the fourth single crochet. That's mean that miss  3 single crochet and make in the fourth the triple treble crochet. Then the fifth , and the sixth. Then back to make the triple treble crochet to the  first,second and third. The last stitch one triple crochet and turn over.
Reapeat first and second row.
Esther embartisanknitting

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Choose stitch

Hello , I am just thinking about the next tutorial video. Can you help me?. I've taken two pics and you can choose which stitch you want to learn next Saturday. So come on,and choose your favourite.( knotted cable panel is knitting and cross stitch is crochet)I will be posting my next video on Saturday in YouTube. Thanks.
Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Crocheted Top grannies design

Hello/ Hola
This lovely Top is for girls between 2/4 yrs old.
For the chest and back I made 8 grannies.
And 3 grannies in each shoulder strap.
After joined all grannies.
I made a shell stitch (2 dc;2ch;2dc)* , one rib stitch*. Then repeat this 4 rows again.
5 row : shell (3dc;2ch; 3dc) ,one rib stitch.* repeat 4 rows again.
Then shell of 4; 5..
If you don't know how to make shell stitch and rib stitch,I suggest you to watch my videos in embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube channel.
Remember that you can join me in embartisanknitting emb group of facebook,there you can buy,sell,comment..all you are welcome
Instagram #embartisanknitting
Twitter #embartisanknit
Hugs to all.

Monday 1 May 2017


Hola a todos ,Feliz Primer día de Mayo. Hoy hago un debate sobre :
Pregúntate ,¿quién fabrica nuestra ropa? ¿Somos responsables de lo que compramos?
Que paséis un buen día.
Hello everybody, Happy May  day.  Today's debate:
Ask yourself who manufactures our clothes?
Are we responsible for what we buy?
Have a nice day.
Esther embartisanknitting

Saturday 29 April 2017

Punto de cesta en crochet

Hola a todos .
Hoy os voy a hablar del punto de cesta en crochet.
Es un punto muy fácil y rápido de hacer.
Es múltiplo de 3+5 cadenas extra.
Si queréis os invito que veais el video en mi canal de YouTube. Aquí os dejo el link
Bueno pues,en la primera vuelta, hacer toda la hilera p.a. dos cadenas y girar la labor
2 Vuelta:  3 puntos relieve por delante( si no sabéis hacerlo tengo un vídeo en mi canal de YouTube que os lo explico mejor). Osea que esta vuelta es 3 puntos relieve por delante y 3 puntos relieve por detrás. El último punto hacer un p.a. normal.

3 Vuelta: hacer los puntos como se presentan.el ultimo punto un punto alto dos cadenas y girar la labor.
4 Vuelta: tejer ahora todo al contrario,quiero decir que si veis 3 puntos relieve por delante,ahora se tejen al contrario por detrás,así toda la hilera.recordar que el último punto es un p.a. normal,dos cadenas y girar la labor.
5 Vuelta: tejer todos los puntos como se presentan,el último p.a. normal,dos cadenas.
6 Vuelta: tejer los puntos al contrario.
Fácil verdad?
Podéis encontrarme en:
embartisanknitting emb group en Facebook
Twitter @embartisanknit
Subscribete en mi canal de YouTube embartisanknitting emb939.
Un abrazo
Esther embartisanknitting

Basket stitch in crochet

Hello everybody.
Today I want to explain to you how you can make this fantastic stitch.
This design is multiples of 3+5.
If you want check out the video go to my YouTube channel :

So, in the first row, start with 2 chains,and make dc all row until the end. 2 chains and turn.
The second row : make 3 stitches dc around post from front and then 3 dc post of next from back. Alternate it 3 post from front and3 post from back the last stitch a normal dc.2 chains and turn over
Row 3: now make all row the same stitches as you see. Remember that the last stitch you need to do a normal dc.
Row 4: make contrary stitch, I mean, this row is if you see 3stitches from front, now make 3 stitches from the back all row is contrary. Last stitch normal dc, 2 chains.
Row 5: make all row the same as you see. Front of front and back to back.
Remember that you can find me on:
embartisanknitting emb group of facebook
Embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube.
Twitter @embartisanknit
Thanks .
Esther embartisanknitting emb

Saturday 22 April 2017

Five basics stitches/ cinco puntos básicos del crochet
Making foundation chain: start with a slip stitch knot on your hook.
Wrap the yarn around the hook.
Double crochet: insert the hook trough the second stitch and wrap the yarn the hook the large around.
At the end of the row.
Half treble crochet: insert the hook trough the third chain from the hook.
Treble crochet: insert from the four hook.
I invite you to watch the video.
If you like thumps up and subscribe on embartisanknitting emb939.

Friday 21 April 2017

Bobble and cable knitting

Hello everyone, how are you doing today?After resting my wrist, today I had to do something .I want to show you this video and here are the steps to follow. I hope  help you it.:D
Cast On 30 Stitches
Rows 1 + 2: K30
Row 3: K2, P9, K8, P9, K2
Row 4: K11, P8, K11
Row 5: K2, P9, C2B, C2F, P9, K2
Row 6: K11, P8, K11
Row 7: K2, P9, K8, P9, K2
Row 8: K11, P8, K11
Row 9: K2, P9, K4, MB, K3, P9, K2
Rows 10, 12, 14, + 16: K11, P8, K11
Rows 11, 13, + 15: K2, P9, K8, P9, K2

Row 17: K2, P9, C4B, P9, K2
Rows 18, 20, 22, + 24: K11, P8, K11
Rows 19, 21, + 23: K2, P9, K8, P9, K2

Row 25: K2, P9, C4B, P9, K2
Rows 26, 28, 30, + 32: K11, P2, K4, P2, K11
Rows 27, 29, 31: K2, P9, K2, P4, K2, P9, K2
Row 33: K2, P26, K2
Rows 34 + 35: K30
Remember that you can join me in embartisanknitting emb group of facebook;,subscribe on embartisanknitting emb939 on YouTube.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

What you want to learn

Hi all!  Today I can't make anything my wrist is painful and open. I training  Coby,he is my dog ,  he is so cute but very stubborn lol , he trys to dominate us ,when we go for walks,he pulls all the time. Haha.. believe me it's a show.
Well so I am bored ,Ive been thinking a lot about doing some video classes on YouTube. My day job is training and e-learning related so I would really like to try my hand at it on the blog and YouTube embartisanknitting emb939 . I do a lot of small tutorials here and would really like to branch out. So would you be interested?

What I really need is what you want to learn. I love teaching beginning knitting, embroidery, and crochet classes in person so I think the class of video sessions could be the answer. So help me pick what to develop first ...
Crochet, Embroidery, Knitting, all of the above, or something else?

I already have tons of ideas for each of these, but once I find out what you want, I'll develop my ideas and share more information as soon as I get something together.

Thanks blog & embartisanknitting emb group friends, your input will really help me out! I do not want to waste time on something that you do not care to learn.
Esther embartisanknitting

Monday 17 April 2017

Is my child ready to learn to crochet or knit?

Of course,children develop skills at different ages.
I learnt to crochet and knit at age eleven,thanks to my grandmother's and my aunt.
So, you'll need to pay attention to your children skill set. Instead of waiting for them to 'hit the perfect age.
So all children ( boys and girls) are often excited to make a finished project and they are happy to learn.
So please let them pick out their favorite colour and let them wake up their creativity and imagination.
Remember that ,crochet and knitting it's an art. :-)
Esther embartisanknitting.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Manta verde menta para Bebés

Hola amig@s
Os presento esta encantadora manta está tejida en punto Santa Clara y con agujas de tejer número 5.
Yo monté 80 puntos, pero si la queréis más grande podéis montar más puntos.
Recordar que el punto de Santa Clara ó bobo o musgo,siempre se teje en punto derecho ,hacer lo largo que queráis.
Esta manta mide 70 cm de largo.
 Luego en el borde tejí con un crochet número 4 este bonito borde ,consta de la primera vuelta bordear toda la manta con puntos altos.
La segunda vuelta hacer 3 cadenas, 3 p.a en el primer p.a( los 3 p.a en el mismo espacio), dejar 3 puntos sin tejer y hacer un p.b en el cuarto punto , en el siguiente volver hacer los 3 p.a en el mismo espacio , dejar sin tejer los 3 siguientes y en el cuarto un p.b, repetir esto hasta finalizar todo el borde y cerrar con un punto deslizado.

Y ,¡¡ya tenéis vuestra manta para bebé!
Para ver cómo se hace punto de musgo,bobo ó Santa Clara, os invito que veais el video en mi canal de YouTube embartisanknitting emb939.
También os invito para comprar y vender en embartisanknitting emb group de Facebook.
Estoy en Instagram y en Twitter@embartisanknit.
Gracias por leerme.
Un abrazo desde Irlanda.
Esther embartisanknitting.

Saturday 15 April 2017

Filet cross crochet pattern

Hola/ Hello
This pattern is multiple of 3 plus5.

If you look at this diagram is 5 squares so its 3 times 5 is equal 15 plus5 in totally we will do 20 chains.
Row one 1 treble crochet in the 8th chain from your hook
2 ch. Miss the next2 ch. One tr.then you repeat this again until the end.
Row two: make 5 ch , make treble in the treble crochet in row below, two ch. Another tr crochet in tr crochet. In the end make tr crochet in the 3ed chain from the last treble crochet in row below
In the 3rd row we work two filet space working two chains to form an empty square,work 2 trebles to fill in the square. An individual block consist of a treble on each side and 2 tr in the center. To work a block above a filet space. To work a block above another a treble into each of trebles below.
I invited you to subscribe on my channel UCeJPmF3tHiNk6YD-gDVsEAvg
Enjoy it.
Remember that you can find me on embartisanknitting emb group of facebook.
Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting

Friday 14 April 2017

Hola/ Hello

Hi How are you?/ Hola cómo estáis?
En el grupo embartisanknitting emb group de Facebook  , en mi canal de embartisanknitting emb939 de YouTube y en mi blog  htpps:// .
La propuesta es la misma, Compartir, Intercambiar, Aprender y hasta Enseñar; entre todas las amantes del arte de Tejer y especialmente del Crochet. Cariños y besos a todas y todos. <3.
Que paséis un buen Viernes Santo.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Crocheted Waistcoat

Hello everybody/ Hola a tod@s.
Today I want to explain to you how you can make this lovely Waistcoat in crochet.
The difficulty level is moderate.
Size to fit an adult female is 85 cm /34 in bust.
Natura just cotton 50g. X4 balls ; crochet hook 4mm and one button of 2cm in diameter.
With our 4mm hook,we make 170 ch.

Row 1: one dc in 2nd ch from our hook. * miss next 2 ch, and now 5 to in next ch.  Then miss 2 ch. 1 do in next ch; rep from* to end.
Row2; 3 ch( counts as first tr). 2 tr in first SC, * miss next 2 tr, 1 do in next tr, then 5 tr in next dc( between shell's) repeat from * ending last rep with 3 tr in last dc( instead of 5 tr) turn over.
Row3; make 1 chain( doesn't count as a stitch)
One dc in first tr.
5 tr in next dc ( between shells)
Miss next 2 tr,
1 dc in next tr.
Repeat from*, working last dc in top of 3 ch at end.
Repeat rows 2 and3 to form patt.
Work in shell pattern for 26 cm/10 in.
If You want to ask any questions do it in or in this blog..
Sell in embartisanknitting emb group in facebook.
Hugs to all.