Friday 18 August 2017

My Barcelona

Hi my friends,
Today I don't speak about crochet or knitting.
Today I want to say stop terrorism. Last time Europe ( Paris,London,Berlin,Belgium...and now my city Barcelona and Cambrils ,Co.Tarragona)suffered those attacks.
It's hard to explain how I'm feeling...
I have lived in Ireland four years ago, and my daughter lives in Barcelona.
When I watched the news about the van crash in the Ramblas of heart My heart shrank with fear, anguish of knowing nothing of her. Thank God, she's fine. But how sad all this, why so much hate? .. They say we are racist? . No. Europe is not racist. But we Europeans can not tolerate that some crazy people attack our towns, cities ... These crazy people have killed innocent people, people who have worked and saved to enjoy a vacation, and who have found death without any fault of anything. Why? Why all this??
Barcelona ,Where I was born, where I grew up and where I have the people I love. All my support to affected families. I love you Barcelona , I love you Cambrils , . I love all people who belive in the pace.
London,NY,Paris,Berlin,Cambrils,Barcelona all Countries.. We are not afraid !
Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting&crochet

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