Tuesday 27 June 2017

My reason d'être

Hello everyone , how are you?
There are people who ask me, if I am a midwife or pediatric nurse , why I'm knitting and crocheting. I am a woman over 45, I have asked for a job here at the Irish Hospitals, and they have not given me a job saying stupid excuses, (here in Ireland I only worked in a dentist lab). I got tired of hearing,no, no, no. Thanks to my grandmothers and my aunt, they taught me crochet and knitting when I was 11 years old. I liked it, and although I do not make money for the moment,I am doing this because I truly believe that it will succeed. I am so passionate about this venture called embartisanknitting and I am completely determined to make it work.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Esther embartisanknitting

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