Tuesday 12 September 2017

Business plan

Ladies and gentlemen:

 I've been trying for a few months to work and advance my business. you see, I had to come here to Ireland, for fifteen years I had my own business in Barcelona,( Spain) ​​I can tell you that it worked very well, but for trusting my ex .. I lost everything. then I came here(Ireland) and worked as a nurse in a dental laboratory, after working here in Ireland,I sent CV's to companies and the replies came back,sorry,but no!:. I am a very active woman, and these "No's", started to give me low self-esteem. One day my boyfriend bought me a crochet & knitting magazine that included wool and needles for knitting. Hallelujah and blessed was this gift from my bf, it gave me oxygen and reminded me when I was young and wove with my grandmothers and my aunt. I promise you this was .. life for me. some friends and neighbours began to buy my clothes. and I was happy and grateful. as I told you at the beginning of this blog, I've been struggling for months to have my own business, but I have no money, and honestly there are some who have put stones on the road. For example someone diverted my business plan and after two months they sent me my busines plan anonymously ..but oops .. the postmark showed where it came from, LOL, Although I am very angry about this, because a business plan is confidential, lost or not lost ... anyway .. I'll try to be smart, ladies & gentlemen, I'm not going to say names, but that's not to say that I will shut up.

I assure you that I, like most mortals, have many ideas of a possible business. The problem is that some people's ideas are ridiculous, many are just bad, a few come in the category of mediocre, and few, unfortunately very few, are acceptable. But even considering only this last category, it is a much smaller amount of them that become successful.

For all this, my business plan is my personal plan:

- The academic and professional training of the work team behind this business plan
- A good network of professional contacts.
- My professional experience about crochet, knitting classes, haberdashery and I speak five languages.
- The "art" of transforming an idea into a reality
- I have a vision of business in the medium and long term.
- I have perseverance, patience and work, everything in great quantity.
It's true that someone can help?
So if any investor reads my blog, I am openly asking if anyone can invest in my business plan to haberdashery online.
In Vite you to watch my videos tutorials on embartisanknitting& crochet on YouTube.
Thank you
Embartisanknitting & crochet

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