Saturday 7 October 2017

Being Autonomous in Europe

Hello everybody:
I want to talk about to being autonomous in different European countries.

In my opinion :

A company can't wait weeks or even months to start a business. Being autonomous or setting up a company in Europe.There are huge differences. While in countries like Slovenia or Sweden only two bureaucratic procedures are required, in Spain there are seven. This places Spain and other EU countries as one of the most time-consuming states in Europe, with an average of 14 days or more.

In my case, I am in Ireland, according to surveys, Ireland works fast.In this region of Sligo, No one answers my emails and my letters, and my business plan was lost in the system, then two months later someone in secret,returned it to me, in an envelope,postage paid.Why do they do this ?,
Then they put pressure on the people to find work. I want to work and they do not leave me do it!!.. Some people think that being civil service they can take the law into their own hands,acting with power and you have to shut up, because if you talk, they can complicate your life by internal actions. Anyway, I've been an entrepreneur for 15 years,and no one is going to shut me up,So, I am positive and will explain to you the differences of being autonomous in different European countries.

In the case of the self-employed, "as a general rule", tax is paid on a pay as you earn basis, so the countries which help a person,give time to establish themselves.

The best countries in Europe who help people establish themselves as self-employed or Entrepreneurs are Denmark and the United Kingdom - due to their creation of Business in 2017 - along with others in our part of the world, Germany - ranked top, Portugal-ranked 25-, France -occupies the 29th position, and, finally, my country Spain, which according to the study rises one position in the list, placing them 32nd most prosperous to establish business.

1. Denmark

In Denmark there is no distinction between the establishment of a company and self-employment. The process of becoming self-employed can be done online. Likewise, it is not necessary to pay monthly fees or registration, but the payment of taxes on profits varies between 25 and 50%, according to how old the business is. Finally, education in the country is free, also for European students,which gives an advantage to young people who want to stay after their studies.

2. United Kingdom

In the case of the United Kingdom, if there is an income of less than 6,879 euros, there is no obligation to pay taxes. In the event that this amount is exceeded, it will be paid based on the benefits obtained in the year, as reported by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security. On the other hand, one of the main advantages of the UK is that when starting a business you "do not require a minimum capital to constitute a Company <Limited Liability Company)

3. Germany

Self-employed workers in Germany have to pay compulsory health insurance that is between 150 and 200 euros. In addition, and depending on the billing - specifically, if the benefits exceed 1,700 euros net per month -, it is mandatory to pay a fee of 140 euros per month. On the other hand,for those under 30 years of age and those who do not pay more than 17,500 euros per year, it is not necessary to pay VAT. Even so, anyone who wants to start a business in Germany must have a large capital, since "to build a new company there you need about 25,000 euros."

4. Portugal

In Portugal, the self-employed are not subject to monthly fees, nor do they have to pay VAT on a mandatory basis. However, these advantages are reduced from the tax point of view. Thus,as stated by the head of Face Entrepreneurship, "the Portuguese have to pay around 24% in taxes, which is one of the highest percentages of the European Union." Even so,Portugal is positioned as one of the states in which it takes less time to begin, with an average of 2.5 days.

5. France

One of the main advantages of France is that during the first year of self-employment nothing is paid. At this time, workers have the right to receive free health care, retirement and temporary incapacity. In the first year of business there is a scale that determines the quota that each self-employed worker must allocate according to his income and his work activity, that is to say, the profession chosen,gives him a chance to start the business. In addition, as in the United Kingdom, in France there is no minimum capital requirement to constitute a business.
That's my opinion.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Embartisanknitting & Crochet .

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