Saturday 24 March 2018

Tips to take care of yourself. Crochet & knit

Hi/Hola embartisanknitters.

Today I will give you some tips to take care of your health while you do crochet or knit.  You know that I teach Spanish, and of course I give some classes of crochet and knit, and also the tutorials for my YouTube channel,  if you want check out and subscribe this is ny link
After the first week of that you can imagine that my wrists, arms and back began to hurt! However, I was able to relieve these ailments by changing just a few simple things.  Below are my tips and tricks to help you get through deadlines and crochet/knit overloads.
Never crochet for even a solid hour without stopping for a minute to contract your fingers back and forth like you are grabbing something. Ideally, this should be done every 20 to 40 minutes.
*Stress balls are a great way to build up endurance.
*Take a walk around the room every hour or so to keep your body from getting stiff. This may seem like a waste of time when you are on a deadline but it helps your body in the long run.
*Don’t try to be a superhero, you can’t go from crocheting/knitting an hour at a time to a marathon. You need to gradually work up to longer and longer times. Your wrists have muscles and they need time to build up and get stronger.
*This may not work for everyone but try switching your dominate hand, after minimal practice I was able to crochet with my left or right hand. I am way faster using my right hand however when I am in a pinch it is nice to give my main hand a break and keep going with my other one!
*Examine the way you are sitting. Is your back supported? Is your arm supported? Are you leaning forward and putting strain on your neck? Many people find using a pillow under there dominate hand more comfortable.
*All hooks are not created equal! Some hooks give you less strain than others. Everyone is different, try a different hook and see if that helps! For me I prefer Soft Touch or Amour hooks by Clover. Some of my students and friends prefer Boyle hooks with clay handles.This is depending on how you are most comfortable. Good friends This is a little tips to take care of your writs, back and neck. Ah One more thing, yes you understand Spanish or want to improvise your Spanish and you want to know about Ireland, Spain, or current affairs. I leave the link of my other channel
 Thanks for reading my blog, thanks for subscribing to my two channels
Embartisanknitting & crochet
Vlog de una Española en Irlanda.

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