Tuesday 20 March 2018

Fake Spanish Stereotypes 1

Hi/Hola embartisanknitters ,how are you doing today?
I know this blog is about crochet & knitting, but  the people ask me by my email : embartisanknitting@yahoo.com. Lately there are many people who ask me about my country, Spain, there are people who know my country very well, and others visit my country just for parties and to drink and in reality that group of people have no idea about Spain, and are guided only they are guided by stereotypes. There are other Spanish people who want to know about Ireland, that's the reason I have my other channel on YouTube 'Vlog of a Spanish in Ireland', here is the link if you want check
out but I just I speaking in Spanish link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCULCd8H2c_dJKeVwJjZjNKw
If you want to improve your Spanish you can watch my channel subscribe,comment ( always with respect please, there I explained what I like or dislike about Ireland,the lovely and delicious Irish food, current affairs,etc.., but if you don't understand my language...no problem I write it in my blog.
So, my friends I changed a little bit my chip , and every day I will write about stereotypical Spanish customs where they are true or false.
Ok,so I want to talk today about ' La siesta' Naps in English.
Everyone knows the Spanish siesta, foreigners think that Spain is paralyzed at that time. Nothing could be further from the truth. The stereotype of the Spanish nap has been banished, yes ,my friends only 16% of Spaniards practice this habit every day, very healthy and recommended otherwise. This has been revealed by a study on sleep, carried out among more than 3,000 Spaniards over 18 years of age. So just 16% of Spanish take 'la siesta' !!.
This analysis reveals that 58.6% of Spaniards never sleep ' La siesta ' (for example, in general I have not napped, I only did it when I worked at night in the Hospital so yes I did, but in normal situations, I I have never done nap), there is a 22% of Spaniards who only occasionally and 3.2% go numb after lunch only on weekends. Most of those few who enjoy a slight sleep after eating - 72% - are satisfied with lying on the couch.
I was very pleased, that an analysis on the nap was that a third of adults in the United States, 34% of Americans nap according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. That is much more than the Spaniards, who according to the whole world criticizes that Spain is the country of the siesta. LOL

The Germans, who are also critical of our custom, can not raise their voices because in a study by the scientific journal "Neurology" it was revealed that the Europeans who nap most are not Spaniards, not Portuguese, but yes  Germans People. Even the English are more sleep after eating than the Spaniards. According to this analysis about ' La siesta ' nap in English,  so the 22% of Germans say that they nap at least three times a week. There they stand as undisputed leaders, well above the Italians, second with 16%, and the British, in third place with 15% affirmative answers. Spain and Portugal are relegated to fourth and fifth place.

Officially, the siesta was eliminated from Spanish customs in 2012.
There was once, when I went English classes to improvise my English, there were people of different nationalities, in that class there was a girl from Barcelona just like me. The English teacher asked why some Spanish stores closed at noon, is it because of the siesta? he asked and he looked at me. I replied to him, that in Madrid, Barcelona or other big cities of Spain, now in these days not all stores close at noon, yes there are some small shops that close two hours, but those two hours they close those little shops to make lunch, they eat and then they go back to their little shops,but big supermarkets or shopping center never they close at noon. Never!! I lived in Barcelona all my life so I know it very well. But ...this girl apparently who she said that she is from my city Barcelona ,she said that I am a liar,because her mum had a little shop and her mum sleep La siesta these two hours..Then I learned the truth about that girl ( I have family and friends police ), she is not from Barcelona city, she is from a small town in the province of Barcelona, ​​and we all know that the villages life are very different from the cities. This is international, and everyone knows this. LOL
Finally dear friends, this is the first false stereotype of my country, I will write other stereotypes in the following days and this I will speak in Spanish on my channel.
 Many thanks for reading this blog.
Hugs for all
Esther embartisanknitting

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