Monday 19 March 2018

San José is Father's day in Spain

Hello embartisanknitters.
Today I want to explain about Saint Joseph, Father's Day

The festive calendar of Spain is strongly influenced by the Church. In Spain, Father's Day is celebrated on March 19 in honor of San José.

The Saint is also celebrated for all the men called Joseph, in addition to those who perform the same profession as the Saint, that of a carpenter , and It is festive in the Valencian community, there is a show of fireworks, ninots( they are dolls and decorative art figures) and delicious paellas and buñuelos of pumpkin.

This holiday is considered of great importance because it recognizes the contribution of parents to the family. It is a way to honor parents and recognize their role in raising and educating their children.

Traditionally, that day the family gathers at a meal and gifts are offered to the father.


The traditional story of San Jose in the Christian world,one that of Joseph being the chosen father for Jesus. The most probable reason is that in its origins the Christians only believed in some type of cult to the martyrs and it was not the case of San José.

At the beginning of the 4th century, the cult of St. Joseph among the Copts (Egyptians of the Christian faith) was beginning to appear, with its festivity appearing on the 20th of July of the Coptic calendar.

In the western world, appeared the first references to his cult in the year 1129, where there is a church dedicated to his name in Bologna (Italy).

The Carmelite fathers were the first to move their cult from the East to the West in a complete way and after its appearance in the Dominican calendar it was gaining more and more strength.

During the following years, great personalities that later became saints, in some of the cases, had a great devotion for Saint Joseph, which made his cult take more strength. The contribution of Jehan Charlier Gerson is significant, and in 1400 he composed an Office of the Betrothal of San José.

In the pontificate of Sixtus IV, St. Joseph was introduced into the Roman calendar, which is still relevant today, on the day of March 19.

This was fundamental and from that moment on it became a simple party, later going to a double party for Innocent VIII, a second class double party by Clement XI. Finally Pius IX appointed him patron of the Catholic Church.


The reason that this day also celebrates father's day is the character that is given to San José as a good father and protector. It is typical to represent San José as an older man and with a staff from which flowers are born at the end. This is due to the various legends that are told about the life of San José.
 Los Pepes: The reason that people named José are also known as Pepe, is that, since he was not the biological father of Jesus,and in the various paintings, sculptures or readings in the scriptures about him,the initials PP were added after his name. (putative father or step father in English)
Well embartisanknitters I hope you like this.
In honour of my grandma Maria, she was born in Sagunto ( Valencia), and  Feliz día de padre ( Happy Father's Day)
Thanks for reading my blog.

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