Sunday 11 March 2018

The advantages of being bilingual

Hola / Hello
Today I want to explain to you ,why it is important to learn languages.
The English, Spanish and French courses are one of the most important economic investments we can make for our children in the future.
Who is looking for an English, Spanish or French course? People with a medium level of intelligence are those who care about learning English, French or Spanish, or at least that their children learn it. Today languages ​​are Fashion and are necessary. Think for example: Politicians and people with a high level of intelligence take their children to study in private schools where time is not wasted, in those private schools they learn useful languages ​​such as English, Spanish, French,even German. Nowadays, it is useless for someone to speak only English, nor does it help to say that 'I do not like languages' ... I speak five languages, for me to learn languages ​​is not only being able to communicate (of course it is the most important thing) ) Learning languages ​​goes beyond communication,it also helps to know the culture and history of that language.Understand and respect the grammar of each language. And never ever laugh, or criticize a person who tries to speak your language. Never demand that person speak your accent, remember that person is making a great effort to communicate with you, and think..if you try to speak the language of that person you will have the same accent. To all those people who demand or make fun of a foreigner who has his own accent. To all those people I tell them that the day they have a perfect accent of another language, then they can demand that foreigners have a good accent. This is up to you. Do you prefer to help or hinder  foreigners who wants to learn your language? You must think and it is proven the scientists analyzed the brain images of a group of volunteers, bilingual, non-bilingual but knowledgeable of two languages, and a third monolingual group, noting that the first two groups had the same degrees of myelination of the axons, that is, a greater integrity in the white matter of the brain, which provides greater efficiency in the transmission of information or knowledge. These results were not repeated in the group of people who spoke only one language.
So,what do you think about it ?
Next time ,I will make a video in Spanish on my YouTube channel ' Vlog de una Española en Irlanda 'about this.
Thanks for reading my blog.

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