Thursday 8 March 2018


Hola/ Hello embartisanknitters.

Today is international women's day. Feminism is no longer what it was: the struggle was renewed, because women have already conquered many spaces and we have other weapons.

We are very far from those feminists of the 70's who fought for gender equality, demanding the possibility of accessing places that were forbidden to us. There is no doubt that we were conquering new weapons and gaining different positions -and if you are not so sure, just sit down for a while to chat with your grandmother and compare your life with hers .They are also far from the stereotypes: they do not burn bodices or go around undressing when they do not agree with something - despite the fact that certain extremist feminists do it to get the attention of the media - they wax, they are flirty, they love and they respect men and they care about the same things that most of us do.

I think that being a woman does not mean being a feminist. But I do see that feminism has always fought for equal rights between women and men, so that sexual difference does not become social inequality. When, not so long ago, women were excluded from the right to vote and public office, when they were denied access to education, it was easy to identify with feminist claims. Today it may be more strange. But when thinking about the inequalities that persist in society, we see a clear gender mark: women tend to have more informal jobs and worse payment; their tasks in the main as caring for their children, hinders their possibilities for personal development; Undervaluation makes them victims of different forms of violence. It is not difficult to see that despite the achievements, the sexual difference was consolidated as a social inequality that affects us all. Therefore, I believe that the best way to transform this reality is to defend feminist ideals.
we see a small analysis from my point of view as a European woman, among the top one thousand companies in Europe, only 4.4% have a woman in her maximum hierarchical position. If we think that the percentage of university graduates is more or less the same between both sexes ..., why is there such a gap? Clearly, certain gender stereotypes still predominate, although less than a few decades ago. The current challenge is to promote work-family reconciliation policies in the workplace, for both men and women - this is key! because if not, it would be deepening the purpose of equality-, in order to narrow the differences in opportunities,we need flexible schedules, the possibility of equal opportunity, etc. I also see that, for example, you know that I teach Spanish, crochet and knitting, and it is incredible to see, that there are many men interested in learning a language or learning crochet, there are also girls that are good at football, this is fantastic! .
My grandmother always told me that every word that ends in 'ism' is to be fanatic about something, I mean that extreme feminism is not good, nor is extreme machismo or chauvinism good. Yes, equality of opportunities for both sexes is good. And the day of the woman, the day of the child or the day that is ... it's not just one day, it's 365 days of the year.
It's just my opinion.
Thanks for reading my blog.
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Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet .

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