Tuesday 27 March 2018

Multicolour Crochet ribbed cowl

Hello/Hola embartisanknitters,how are you doing today?
Here I leave this nice #multicolor #cowl, the #stitch is rib is multiple of two, only you have to do the measurement you wanted. Down here I'll let you crochet rib diagram. It's very easy to do. Enjoy it.
This #cowl is available for sale , If anyone is interested contact me embartisanknitting@yahoo.com

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Take a look at Embartisanknitting (@embartisanknit): https://twitter.com/embartisanknit?s=09
#Embartisanknitting & crochet

Thanks to everybody.
Embartisanknitting & crochet

Saturday 24 March 2018

Tips to take care of yourself. Crochet & knit

Hi/Hola embartisanknitters.

Today I will give you some tips to take care of your health while you do crochet or knit.  You know that I teach Spanish, and of course I give some classes of crochet and knit, and also the tutorials for my YouTube channel,  if you want check out and subscribe this is ny link  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeJPmF3tGmK6YD-gDVsEAvg
After the first week of that you can imagine that my wrists, arms and back began to hurt! However, I was able to relieve these ailments by changing just a few simple things.  Below are my tips and tricks to help you get through deadlines and crochet/knit overloads.
Never crochet for even a solid hour without stopping for a minute to contract your fingers back and forth like you are grabbing something. Ideally, this should be done every 20 to 40 minutes.
*Stress balls are a great way to build up endurance.
*Take a walk around the room every hour or so to keep your body from getting stiff. This may seem like a waste of time when you are on a deadline but it helps your body in the long run.
*Don’t try to be a superhero, you can’t go from crocheting/knitting an hour at a time to a marathon. You need to gradually work up to longer and longer times. Your wrists have muscles and they need time to build up and get stronger.
*This may not work for everyone but try switching your dominate hand, after minimal practice I was able to crochet with my left or right hand. I am way faster using my right hand however when I am in a pinch it is nice to give my main hand a break and keep going with my other one!
*Examine the way you are sitting. Is your back supported? Is your arm supported? Are you leaning forward and putting strain on your neck? Many people find using a pillow under there dominate hand more comfortable.
*All hooks are not created equal! Some hooks give you less strain than others. Everyone is different, try a different hook and see if that helps! For me I prefer Soft Touch or Amour hooks by Clover. Some of my students and friends prefer Boyle hooks with clay handles.This is depending on how you are most comfortable. Good friends This is a little tips to take care of your writs, back and neck. Ah One more thing, yes you understand Spanish or want to improvise your Spanish and you want to know about Ireland, Spain, or current affairs. I leave the link of my other channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCULCd8H2c_dJKeVwJjZjNKw
 Thanks for reading my blog, thanks for subscribing to my two channels
Embartisanknitting & crochet
Vlog de una Española en Irlanda.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Fake Spanish Stereotypes 1

Hi/Hola embartisanknitters ,how are you doing today?
I know this blog is about crochet & knitting, but  the people ask me by my email : embartisanknitting@yahoo.com. Lately there are many people who ask me about my country, Spain, there are people who know my country very well, and others visit my country just for parties and to drink and in reality that group of people have no idea about Spain, and are guided only they are guided by stereotypes. There are other Spanish people who want to know about Ireland, that's the reason I have my other channel on YouTube 'Vlog of a Spanish in Ireland', here is the link if you want check
out but I just I speaking in Spanish link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCULCd8H2c_dJKeVwJjZjNKw
If you want to improve your Spanish you can watch my channel subscribe,comment ( always with respect please, there I explained what I like or dislike about Ireland,the lovely and delicious Irish food, current affairs,etc.., but if you don't understand my language...no problem I write it in my blog.
So, my friends I changed a little bit my chip , and every day I will write about stereotypical Spanish customs where they are true or false.
Ok,so I want to talk today about ' La siesta' Naps in English.
Everyone knows the Spanish siesta, foreigners think that Spain is paralyzed at that time. Nothing could be further from the truth. The stereotype of the Spanish nap has been banished, yes ,my friends only 16% of Spaniards practice this habit every day, very healthy and recommended otherwise. This has been revealed by a study on sleep, carried out among more than 3,000 Spaniards over 18 years of age. So just 16% of Spanish take 'la siesta' !!.
This analysis reveals that 58.6% of Spaniards never sleep ' La siesta ' (for example, in general I have not napped, I only did it when I worked at night in the Hospital so yes I did, but in normal situations, I I have never done nap), there is a 22% of Spaniards who only occasionally and 3.2% go numb after lunch only on weekends. Most of those few who enjoy a slight sleep after eating - 72% - are satisfied with lying on the couch.
I was very pleased, that an analysis on the nap was that a third of adults in the United States, 34% of Americans nap according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. That is much more than the Spaniards, who according to the whole world criticizes that Spain is the country of the siesta. LOL

The Germans, who are also critical of our custom, can not raise their voices because in a study by the scientific journal "Neurology" it was revealed that the Europeans who nap most are not Spaniards, not Portuguese, but yes  Germans People. Even the English are more sleep after eating than the Spaniards. According to this analysis about ' La siesta ' nap in English,  so the 22% of Germans say that they nap at least three times a week. There they stand as undisputed leaders, well above the Italians, second with 16%, and the British, in third place with 15% affirmative answers. Spain and Portugal are relegated to fourth and fifth place.

Officially, the siesta was eliminated from Spanish customs in 2012.
There was once, when I went English classes to improvise my English, there were people of different nationalities, in that class there was a girl from Barcelona just like me. The English teacher asked why some Spanish stores closed at noon, is it because of the siesta? he asked and he looked at me. I replied to him, that in Madrid, Barcelona or other big cities of Spain, now in these days not all stores close at noon, yes there are some small shops that close two hours, but those two hours they close those little shops to make lunch, they eat and then they go back to their little shops,but big supermarkets or shopping center never they close at noon. Never!! I lived in Barcelona all my life so I know it very well. But ...this girl apparently who she said that she is from my city Barcelona ,she said that I am a liar,because her mum had a little shop and her mum sleep La siesta these two hours..Then I learned the truth about that girl ( I have family and friends police ), she is not from Barcelona city, she is from a small town in the province of Barcelona, ​​and we all know that the villages life are very different from the cities. This is international, and everyone knows this. LOL
Finally dear friends, this is the first false stereotype of my country, I will write other stereotypes in the following days and this I will speak in Spanish on my channel.
 Many thanks for reading this blog.
Hugs for all
Esther embartisanknitting

Monday 19 March 2018

San José is Father's day in Spain

Hello embartisanknitters.
Today I want to explain about Saint Joseph, Father's Day

The festive calendar of Spain is strongly influenced by the Church. In Spain, Father's Day is celebrated on March 19 in honor of San José.

The Saint is also celebrated for all the men called Joseph, in addition to those who perform the same profession as the Saint, that of a carpenter , and It is festive in the Valencian community, there is a show of fireworks, ninots( they are dolls and decorative art figures) and delicious paellas and buñuelos of pumpkin.

This holiday is considered of great importance because it recognizes the contribution of parents to the family. It is a way to honor parents and recognize their role in raising and educating their children.

Traditionally, that day the family gathers at a meal and gifts are offered to the father.


The traditional story of San Jose in the Christian world,one that of Joseph being the chosen father for Jesus. The most probable reason is that in its origins the Christians only believed in some type of cult to the martyrs and it was not the case of San José.

At the beginning of the 4th century, the cult of St. Joseph among the Copts (Egyptians of the Christian faith) was beginning to appear, with its festivity appearing on the 20th of July of the Coptic calendar.

In the western world, appeared the first references to his cult in the year 1129, where there is a church dedicated to his name in Bologna (Italy).

The Carmelite fathers were the first to move their cult from the East to the West in a complete way and after its appearance in the Dominican calendar it was gaining more and more strength.

During the following years, great personalities that later became saints, in some of the cases, had a great devotion for Saint Joseph, which made his cult take more strength. The contribution of Jehan Charlier Gerson is significant, and in 1400 he composed an Office of the Betrothal of San José.

In the pontificate of Sixtus IV, St. Joseph was introduced into the Roman calendar, which is still relevant today, on the day of March 19.

This was fundamental and from that moment on it became a simple party, later going to a double party for Innocent VIII, a second class double party by Clement XI. Finally Pius IX appointed him patron of the Catholic Church.


The reason that this day also celebrates father's day is the character that is given to San José as a good father and protector. It is typical to represent San José as an older man and with a staff from which flowers are born at the end. This is due to the various legends that are told about the life of San José.
 Los Pepes: The reason that people named José are also known as Pepe, is that, since he was not the biological father of Jesus,and in the various paintings, sculptures or readings in the scriptures about him,the initials PP were added after his name. (putative father or step father in English)
Well embartisanknitters I hope you like this.
In honour of my grandma Maria, she was born in Sagunto ( Valencia), and  Feliz día de padre ( Happy Father's Day)
Thanks for reading my blog.

Sunday 11 March 2018

The advantages of being bilingual

Hola / Hello
Today I want to explain to you ,why it is important to learn languages.
The English, Spanish and French courses are one of the most important economic investments we can make for our children in the future.
Who is looking for an English, Spanish or French course? People with a medium level of intelligence are those who care about learning English, French or Spanish, or at least that their children learn it. Today languages ​​are Fashion and are necessary. Think for example: Politicians and people with a high level of intelligence take their children to study in private schools where time is not wasted, in those private schools they learn useful languages ​​such as English, Spanish, French,even German. Nowadays, it is useless for someone to speak only English, nor does it help to say that 'I do not like languages' ... I speak five languages, for me to learn languages ​​is not only being able to communicate (of course it is the most important thing) ) Learning languages ​​goes beyond communication,it also helps to know the culture and history of that language.Understand and respect the grammar of each language. And never ever laugh, or criticize a person who tries to speak your language. Never demand that person speak your accent, remember that person is making a great effort to communicate with you, and think..if you try to speak the language of that person you will have the same accent. To all those people who demand or make fun of a foreigner who has his own accent. To all those people I tell them that the day they have a perfect accent of another language, then they can demand that foreigners have a good accent. This is up to you. Do you prefer to help or hinder  foreigners who wants to learn your language? You must think and it is proven the scientists analyzed the brain images of a group of volunteers, bilingual, non-bilingual but knowledgeable of two languages, and a third monolingual group, noting that the first two groups had the same degrees of myelination of the axons, that is, a greater integrity in the white matter of the brain, which provides greater efficiency in the transmission of information or knowledge. These results were not repeated in the group of people who spoke only one language.
So,what do you think about it ?
Next time ,I will make a video in Spanish on my YouTube channel ' Vlog de una Española en Irlanda 'about this.
Thanks for reading my blog.

Thursday 8 March 2018


Hola/ Hello embartisanknitters.

Today is international women's day. Feminism is no longer what it was: the struggle was renewed, because women have already conquered many spaces and we have other weapons.

We are very far from those feminists of the 70's who fought for gender equality, demanding the possibility of accessing places that were forbidden to us. There is no doubt that we were conquering new weapons and gaining different positions -and if you are not so sure, just sit down for a while to chat with your grandmother and compare your life with hers .They are also far from the stereotypes: they do not burn bodices or go around undressing when they do not agree with something - despite the fact that certain extremist feminists do it to get the attention of the media - they wax, they are flirty, they love and they respect men and they care about the same things that most of us do.

I think that being a woman does not mean being a feminist. But I do see that feminism has always fought for equal rights between women and men, so that sexual difference does not become social inequality. When, not so long ago, women were excluded from the right to vote and public office, when they were denied access to education, it was easy to identify with feminist claims. Today it may be more strange. But when thinking about the inequalities that persist in society, we see a clear gender mark: women tend to have more informal jobs and worse payment; their tasks in the main as caring for their children, hinders their possibilities for personal development; Undervaluation makes them victims of different forms of violence. It is not difficult to see that despite the achievements, the sexual difference was consolidated as a social inequality that affects us all. Therefore, I believe that the best way to transform this reality is to defend feminist ideals.
we see a small analysis from my point of view as a European woman, among the top one thousand companies in Europe, only 4.4% have a woman in her maximum hierarchical position. If we think that the percentage of university graduates is more or less the same between both sexes ..., why is there such a gap? Clearly, certain gender stereotypes still predominate, although less than a few decades ago. The current challenge is to promote work-family reconciliation policies in the workplace, for both men and women - this is key! because if not, it would be deepening the purpose of equality-, in order to narrow the differences in opportunities,we need flexible schedules, the possibility of equal opportunity, etc. I also see that, for example, you know that I teach Spanish, crochet and knitting, and it is incredible to see, that there are many men interested in learning a language or learning crochet, there are also girls that are good at football, this is fantastic! .
My grandmother always told me that every word that ends in 'ism' is to be fanatic about something, I mean that extreme feminism is not good, nor is extreme machismo or chauvinism good. Yes, equality of opportunities for both sexes is good. And the day of the woman, the day of the child or the day that is ... it's not just one day, it's 365 days of the year.
It's just my opinion.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Remember that you can find me, subscribe,comment,share  on embartisanknitting &  crochet ; Vlog de una Española es Irlanda YouTube channel.
On Twitter @embartisanknit
Or in my shop online on Facebook : embartisanknitting & crochet
Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet .

Thursday 1 March 2018

Connecting with your customers

Hola / Hello embartisanknitters , I hope everyone is save in the current climate .
Today I am going to talk about costumer relations .
When you put your product online it's not just about visual advertising you have to write a description as well .
It is very important to write a description, why ? Because it is the information that people look for when making a purchase decision. With just a click on this information, people can know the story you can tell about your products.
I like to use the product to know it better. For example, if I make baby blankets and sweaters, I need to research what is the best wool for the baby's skin.So I have security when a client asks me: What material is your product made of? orWhere do these materials come from? To show My tutorial videos on YouTube if you want subscribe on my YouTube channel this is my link   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeJPmF3tGmK6YD-gDVsEAvg  .

OK My friends, but I really love it is the contact with my clients face to face.
I have few clients face to face, but I feel blessed to be with costumers with a beautiful personality. Why do I say this? Because it's an intimate relationship, after all, I'm working with the lady's body. Or sometimes I'm working with a sweater for her baby ..
I love the relations I have with my clients. We tell each other our  sorrows and our joys. It makes me very happy when a lady to ask me, how am I? after two for  a fitting.
There are dresses or sweaters that the clients wear and they don't look good and don't tell me why, and there are others that you put  the same dress on the lady and from the first moment she  looks perfect. There is something mysterious about this.

Here they also come, older ladies or women with a more difficult body, and yet that, there is no problem, I always listen to the madam, what she wants or what she needs. I think to myself,  "Esther I can do this with all my passion for this lady and she will  looks pretty and elegant.
Those embartisanknitters  who read my blog, I already wrote about elegance, but it is good to memorize that elegance is in the person. I see people on the street and I think,wow .. she/he'selegant !!, and believe me I do not pay attention to the clothes he /she wears. However, you see ladies with costumes of expensive and famous brands and, psss ... I'm sorry but no. And there are women, that as soon as you talk to them, you think, blimey ! This girl  or boy is not pretty but she  or he has something that appeals to you, his or  her way of looking or smiling. There are beautiful girls that leave you cold I mean that they aren't attractive even if they are pretty. The personality and elegance are seen even in how we walk.

Let's see, my education and my mentality is from the city, I am now in a town,
This is difficult in a town, but for me   , Discretion is very important. I can not go repeating the things I see and hear from my costumers come to my home .
I like to protect my clients, for me, the best gift is when they tell me: 'Hey Esther, your baby blanket, your crochet dress etc, was  a success ! . That is my true satisfaction, I love to  see people happy.
I hope you have liked my experience .
 A hug from this Spanish who lives in Ireland.
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet