Monday 8 January 2018

when someone wants to break your illusions

Hello to everyone.

I'm sorry, but today I'm not going to talk about patterns or tutorials.

Today I received an email from a follower, she is Spanish like me.

Akways I  tried to read all the emails that you send me (although I lack time,but  I read them).

This follower from Málaga has touched my heart and I feel very identified and I'm sure you too.

The issue is that when you have a dream, an illusion or a project, there are people around you who do not support you or laugh at you and criticize you, I tell you because it has happens to me, I have always fought alone, and when I like something I put all my passion for it, and although many times some acquaintances, relatives or couples have thrown me stones because yes and why not, and a thousand times they have turned off my illusions, I keep going because that's the way it should be . I tell you that no matter how much you say or do against us, do not leave it, open your eyes and connect with ourselves (this goes for men and women) from within. Let everything you dream or desire flow, only then we will be happy and the envious or illusion killers will ever be extinguished that candle of evil and we will grow as useful people for another human being who needs us.

Surprise yourself by doing everything you want and everything will go as you want, because you do it with kindness and love, and that kind of people just expect to live their own ordeal ... be a bad and negative people for everyone who I approached you. We must get away from the people who struggle against our dreams and illusions. Because all those who destroy the illusions of people almost always appear to be very "good" people, people who even have a lot of "social intelligence", but beware, you are facing a person who only watches over himself, there is nothing more dangerous and harmful to our lives that these people ...

When you are with someone like that, you can notice it because these people are never happy, they are always dissatisfied with everything, they are always wanting a thousand things but they do not do anything to achieve it, they live on others. My experience? example, they criticize me that if I make tutorial videos it's because I'm an egocentric, if I do not make any video it's because I'm lazy , If I pay half of the purchases, it is not enough or they tell you that I do not pay anything, if you spend more than normal ... you are a wasteful one, if you do not spend ... you are a stingy one, if you make a gift ... they could be say that their grandfather would not buy that, if you give  money ... is not enough ... Do you want more examples?

Well, there they go:

They are always telling you that what they do is "for your own good", that their intentions are good. You do not have to look far away, usually These people can become your own family, your own friend, partner, etc. They are people who are never happy because they wake up displeased, bored, they only look for the money, social media ..the pleasure of being well, they like the good life but they do not like to work, they live from others, waiting to see what they receive in exchange for their "positive comments". If they enjoy some time, their joys last a breath because they are never satisfied with what they have or receive They always believe they deserve more. They envy anyone who has a little more than themselves, they live life through others, hoping to see an opportunity to take advantage of their good relationship with others. They criticize all about you did ,They always see the negative in others. Everything that can be done will always be bad because they would know how to do it better (paradoxically they do not do anything, they live on the people close to them). They take credit for your successes. If something goes well for you, if you enjoy something, if something is achieved by your effort and work ... you will find a way to manipulate the situation to say that it is thanks to him or her. So, they try to convey that you owe them something. They tell you that your dreams and illusions are not realistic, that it is impossible for you to see them fulfilled. They will always tell you because they can not bear to see the happiness of others ... They send messages of discouragement. When they speak to you, they are always bored, and with an arrogant voice they point you with your index finger saying "be realistic", "that can not be "," That nobody has ever done it "," are you crazy? "," That is impossible "and" you will never achieve it ".
So ,my lovely friends...I understand you,because this is my battle every day.
Be happy ,and if you want write some comments, you are welcome.
Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet

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