Tuesday 9 January 2018


Hello embartisanknitters, how are you doing? .
 I am here reading your emails. There is a question from the United States, from my country Spain, from Germany, from Belgium and from Sweden, these people ask me the same question, what is it elegant for me? Well, I'll gladly replay .
 For me to be elegant is, above all, be polite, have style, ways. Not only wearing, but in your way of behaving. You can have the greatest fortune but if don't have education and culture ... If you don't know how to be grateful, give way, ask someone how they are when you know they are sad or sick, respect people even if it is opposite to you. ( always if they respect to me)That seems fundamental to me to be elegant.
You don't have to be superficial. But in life circumstances or depends or who are with you in depends moments, you have to be Frivolous, why? Sometimes you have to be repeating it depends on people, because frivolity is part of intelligence, to help you in some people who you fund in your live. And do not dramatize for it. And when you are with good people, you have to be deep, and sensitive with them.
  If you help someone .. Give what you can without airing it, In my country Spain there is a phrase  that says " Lo que das con tu mano derecha que no se entere  la mano izquierda"which means : what you give with your right hand that does not know the left hand. I mean don't be a braggart , if you help someone help from your heart and be discreet. You have to be a good person but not be stupid. Never hurt anyone consciously.  if they have hurt me.    ...Before I kept quiet and did not do anything, now if they attack me, I'll answer. Well my  friends, I hope you like my opinion, so... there goes my question:
What's your definition of elegant?
Thanks for send me your email.
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet

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