Sunday 21 January 2018

The benefits of crochet

Crochet is beneficial.
 Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about the benefits of crochet. As you know, I am a midwife without a job. I am a very active and very creative woman, for me it was hard to send CV, interviews and ...they told me : no, no and no. Finally I decided to do what my grandmother and my aunt taught me when I was a litle girl the art of crochet and knit. Although at the moment I do not earn any money, making videos on YouTube and writing in this blog makes me happy, I love to teach , all this gives me motivated. Anyway, I will explain some benefits of crochet. okay ? ,sooo there they go !!:

- improves our self-esteem: seeing that you are able to create great things with your own little hands makes your self-esteem rise considerably and, with improved self-esteem everything else is seen with another perspective ... do not you think?

- Increase concentration level: obviously when we are knitting with crochet we have to be concentrated so as not to make mistakes, count stitches, etc ...

- relaxes: most of the time it helps to relax ... I have been surprised many times that the day I have the highest tension or some anxiety I have much more desire to take the hook. What, when the work doesn't go well and you have to undo it several times very relaxing it is not LOL ,but it helps to relax me most of the time.

- benefits of social ties: when one is addicted to an activity, in this case crochet, look for other people who share the same hobby, either in their community or on the internet ... in fact on facebook you will find many groups where people from all parts of the planet share their love of crochet.

- helps to put the thoughts in order in our head: I do not know if it has happened to you, to me yes, but when I'm knitting with crochet I get good ideas in my head that had not occurred to me in other circumstances ... It makes sense because by relaxing and being focused your head works better and you are more open to ideas and positive and orderly thoughts.

- it elevates us and makes us aware of our creative part: at the beginning many say uffff I am not able to do that ... but then with the passage of time I have been surprised to see people who even make their own creations without following not even a pattern.

- is good for motor problems: yes, be careful with the postures to avoid back problems ok? but it is very good especially for the motricity of the hands and fingers. Well my friends, Thank you for reading my blog, I invite you to visit my youtube channel ( you can subscribe is free, comment and share)
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Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet

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