Tuesday 20 February 2018

Keep priviate

Hola/ Hello embartisanknitters , how are you doing ?

Today I've received an interesting email from Dakota USA  regarding a person who innocently explained an idea they had too friends who then cheated her and used her idea themselves.
She's very sad, I like to give support to people, so  to write this in my blog, I have asked her permission and she has told me that of course I can write my opinion in my humble blog.
It's my humble opinion and experience ,so
when you go to buy a house, a car, or you have a new relationship, or you  want to make a new project, etc... please keep quiet , why ?  Because 99% of the time our dreams are not realized,this is because of our tongue, yes my friends our tongue, by this I mean that when we want to do something and innocently we tell our families or friends be careful dear friends, because envy exists and is worse than voodoo.
The solution is to close your mouth,and act. Then everything will happen at the right place and at the right time.Never forget that most of your friends and family,want to see you do well,but never better than them. I hope this helps you .
Thanks for reading my blog and sending me your emails.
 email : embartisanknitting@yahoo.com
Hugs to all
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet .

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