Thursday 15 February 2018

The new system of retirement now includes voluntary work.

Hello everybody, today I don't want to talk about crochet or knitting . Instead, I want to talk about  the new system of retirement and voluntary  work. I'm writing this because many people think the same as me .
I see now that in the work place companies offer work and social welfare offer you as some kind of auction, by this I mean you work for your unemployment pay. All the room is silent. And then, among the attendees, someone raises their hand. And says ... "ME". And then, as if it were an eruption, a chain of "me" starts, one by one, fighting for that free "work". And I add "work" in quotes because it should not be called that, but slavery.
I know writing this there could be consequences because here is like a  sect, but after living here for 5 years, I honestly do not care, do you know why? because I'm tired of sending CV, going to interviews and  I have heard so many stupid excuses from the University Hospital of Sligo or from the nursing home Nazareth ... I have more than 25 years experience as a pediatric nurse and midwife, and I have had my own company for 15 years, never in my life have I seen so much contempt and ignorance. In my 25 years of experience I am very well, and I am very strict with the washing of hands in a Hospital. In nursing home Nazareth de Sligo they sent me an email, they wrote me another name, I had to answer to them that this email was for me or for someone else, also in other places they tell me that they need a level 5, I have a level 7, so they tell me no, they also tell me not because my English has a Spanish accent, of course my accent is Spanish, I am Spanish, forgive you but that is discrimination, so if some people are from India , from Germany or France, or Czech Republic .. (sorry for my German or French friends, but when they speak in Spanish or English, the German accent or Frances we know where are from , but ...this is normal, our mother tong ... it's normal ! I always I respect that , this happens also to us the Spanish speakers  or  the other countries). I think  it  is unpresentable and discriminatory for a Company Director to say that he does not want you because your accent is Spanish, French or German. that's stupid !  .
Anyway , now I understand that it's not the problem if you have Spanish,French ,chines  accent... no, no ..this isn't a problem. This is a excuse for not hire people and yes , they want people to work free , well..they put they mask the word volunteer, it's more lovely.  the welfeare social workers tell you that it is good for your CV, and you will have a wonderful experience. Oh seriously ? , when I was young, I was a volunteer at the red cross in Barcelona beach  of life guard. My friends and  I , we risked our lives to save irresponsible bathers. I was there all day and the red cross gave me a sandwich and water. I have been in various volunteer places, giving cafes and food to the homeless, or I giving crochet blankets for babies , yes my friefriends I do it!!
 This I have done from my heart, but apart from that I had my own work.
But now There are many people who need to work, have a salary and pay bills. Volunteering is fine, but it does not work if you have to pay bills, or if you want to pay for our children's university career. The other day I read in the newspaper that a store in Sligo wants a four-hour shop every Saturday, and that the university hospital in Sligo needs volunteers, why do not they hire and pay people? and those people from social welfare that make it spread that you are volunteering, why the social welfare do not work as volunteers, I mean free? because they need a salary, right? Everyone understand it , and it's just ,but  because the rest of citizens also need to work and a salary. They need to  give a job and salary, and then if people want to  be volunteer ... great!
Now about the retirement until 75 years old . Who's the 'clever 'who thought of this stupid idea?
Those smart heads have thought of a builder with 75 years old he can climb in a scaffolding? or a waiter working 12 hours in a bar? Why do not they think that these people retire early to open the path  for the new generation? . Honestly, this is crazy. !!
Open doors, give opportunities to our young people and let older people retire early and enjoy life.

Well friends, I hope your opinions, I'm sure there will be people who hate me for saying this, but I'm a woman who does not like injustices, I'm supportive with those who need me, but I do not like anyone to abuse the good hearts of people . I think it's unfair. So volunteer, but also have our work and our decent salary to be able to live. Let rest and enjoy life our older people because they deserve it.
 And they also deserve our lovely young people to work and have them opportunities.
Thank you so much.

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