Monday 5 February 2018


Hello embartisanknitters  , how are you doing today?
Today is a sunny day but very chilly.
Something caught my attention today,that some people from Australia, and USA  asked me about Sligo,Ireland.
It's this..When I say the name Sligo or its provincial towns, they frown and almost speak in a low voice, and hint that it is an insignificant and strange place, as if it were a different country within Ireland itself, such a remote and uninteresting place that is not worth even visiting.

Honestly, I am from Barcelona and I am a very urban woman, I have visited rural places in Spain and in other European countries, rural places are fine, but my stay has always been two or three days and I leave. So by my own admission,I prefer Dublin, but with my current situation this can not be. Returning to Sligo it is intimately linked to the figure of W.B. Yeats (famous Irish poet and Nobel Prize winner for Literature), who spent most of his childhood and youth here and, as he himself admitted, this landscape was the one that most influenced his life and his writing. The Irish nation, in its honor, has given this geographical area the name of 'Yeats Land'.
For me ( ( and the majority of the foreign people who know Sligo )
Sligo is not a city, it is a big town that maintains the air of a village: with small buildings, little traffic and  provincial environment; Sligo it's a warm place, with friendly  and lovely people and cozy corners like the walk on the sides of the Garavogue river.
The mountain Ben Bulben that emerges from the earth abruptly like the fin of a shark in the sea.
I know that they speak two languages ( Gaelic and English ) the same in Barcelona,we speak Spanish and Catalan)+but I have been told that some northern English accents are difficult to understand,but I have had some difficulty here,with a few people's pronunciation and how some people project their words,I mean,some people mumble or speak very fast and some words get lost.
The proof is that I understand 100% people from Dublin, Galway from England and Australians, and why some people here are difficult to understand? . I laugh a lot when the people of Sligo tell me that my English has a Spanish accent, of course I have a Spanish accent because I am Spanish, just as they have the accent of Sligo. this is ridiculous and laughable.

another thing that catches my attention here is when I worked in Sligo, it works but not with stress, there is a good respect, and you can take your time on your decisions, and I was happy with them.
Take your time in Barcelona? LOL . In Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Valencia, they do not allow you to take your time, it's all: Now, hurry , it's urgent!
There is a Sligo site that I love the quiet beach of Rosses Point. but how is it possible that here is the Atlantic ocean and they have so little variety of fish to sell? . In Galicia or the Canary Islands (Spain) they also have this wonderful atlantic ocean, but they enjoy the wonderful fish and seafood that the Atlantic gives. Here in Sligo, ladies and gentlemen, people eat very little fish.
 Another place to visit in Sligo and it's very beautiful is the ruins of medieval castles and abbeys and of course ..OMG I am in love with The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception On Temple Street in Sligo, is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Elphin. This cathedral was built in Norman style, and it is the only Norman styled cathedral in Ireland.

You also need to know that four centuries ago many sailors of the Spanish Armada invincible sought refuge on the Scottish and Irish coasts and ended up mixing and settling their roots in this country.

another thing that I recommend to you  if it does not rain, LOL  is to make bike routes, hiking ... because the environment is more enjoyed the truth, it is beautiful. Yes, all green.
 Thanks to everyone for reading my blog. a hug . Esther embartisanknitting & crochet. You can read this in Spanish in my other blog

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