Tuesday 20 February 2018

Keep priviate

Hola/ Hello embartisanknitters , how are you doing ?

Today I've received an interesting email from Dakota USA  regarding a person who innocently explained an idea they had too friends who then cheated her and used her idea themselves.
She's very sad, I like to give support to people, so  to write this in my blog, I have asked her permission and she has told me that of course I can write my opinion in my humble blog.
It's my humble opinion and experience ,so
when you go to buy a house, a car, or you have a new relationship, or you  want to make a new project, etc... please keep quiet , why ?  Because 99% of the time our dreams are not realized,this is because of our tongue, yes my friends our tongue, by this I mean that when we want to do something and innocently we tell our families or friends be careful dear friends, because envy exists and is worse than voodoo.
The solution is to close your mouth,and act. Then everything will happen at the right place and at the right time.Never forget that most of your friends and family,want to see you do well,but never better than them. I hope this helps you .
Thanks for reading my blog and sending me your emails.
 email : embartisanknitting@yahoo.com
Hugs to all
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet .

Thursday 15 February 2018

The new system of retirement now includes voluntary work.

Hello everybody, today I don't want to talk about crochet or knitting . Instead, I want to talk about  the new system of retirement and voluntary  work. I'm writing this because many people think the same as me .
I see now that in the work place companies offer work and social welfare offer you as some kind of auction, by this I mean you work for your unemployment pay. All the room is silent. And then, among the attendees, someone raises their hand. And says ... "ME". And then, as if it were an eruption, a chain of "me" starts, one by one, fighting for that free "work". And I add "work" in quotes because it should not be called that, but slavery.
I know writing this there could be consequences because here is like a  sect, but after living here for 5 years, I honestly do not care, do you know why? because I'm tired of sending CV, going to interviews and  I have heard so many stupid excuses from the University Hospital of Sligo or from the nursing home Nazareth ... I have more than 25 years experience as a pediatric nurse and midwife, and I have had my own company for 15 years, never in my life have I seen so much contempt and ignorance. In my 25 years of experience I am very well, and I am very strict with the washing of hands in a Hospital. In nursing home Nazareth de Sligo they sent me an email, they wrote me another name, I had to answer to them that this email was for me or for someone else, also in other places they tell me that they need a level 5, I have a level 7, so they tell me no, they also tell me not because my English has a Spanish accent, of course my accent is Spanish, I am Spanish, forgive you but that is discrimination, so if some people are from India , from Germany or France, or Czech Republic .. (sorry for my German or French friends, but when they speak in Spanish or English, the German accent or Frances we know where are from , but ...this is normal, our mother tong ... it's normal ! I always I respect that , this happens also to us the Spanish speakers  or  the other countries). I think  it  is unpresentable and discriminatory for a Company Director to say that he does not want you because your accent is Spanish, French or German. that's stupid !  .
Anyway , now I understand that it's not the problem if you have Spanish,French ,chines  accent... no, no ..this isn't a problem. This is a excuse for not hire people and yes , they want people to work free , well..they put they mask the word volunteer, it's more lovely.  the welfeare social workers tell you that it is good for your CV, and you will have a wonderful experience. Oh seriously ? , when I was young, I was a volunteer at the red cross in Barcelona beach  of life guard. My friends and  I , we risked our lives to save irresponsible bathers. I was there all day and the red cross gave me a sandwich and water. I have been in various volunteer places, giving cafes and food to the homeless, or I giving crochet blankets for babies , yes my friefriends I do it!!
 This I have done from my heart, but apart from that I had my own work.
But now There are many people who need to work, have a salary and pay bills. Volunteering is fine, but it does not work if you have to pay bills, or if you want to pay for our children's university career. The other day I read in the newspaper that a store in Sligo wants a four-hour shop every Saturday, and that the university hospital in Sligo needs volunteers, why do not they hire and pay people? and those people from social welfare that make it spread that you are volunteering, why the social welfare do not work as volunteers, I mean free? because they need a salary, right? Everyone understand it , and it's just ,but  because the rest of citizens also need to work and a salary. They need to  give a job and salary, and then if people want to  be volunteer ... great!
Now about the retirement until 75 years old . Who's the 'clever 'who thought of this stupid idea?
Those smart heads have thought of a builder with 75 years old he can climb in a scaffolding? or a waiter working 12 hours in a bar? Why do not they think that these people retire early to open the path  for the new generation? . Honestly, this is crazy. !!
Open doors, give opportunities to our young people and let older people retire early and enjoy life.

Well friends, I hope your opinions, I'm sure there will be people who hate me for saying this, but I'm a woman who does not like injustices, I'm supportive with those who need me, but I do not like anyone to abuse the good hearts of people . I think it's unfair. So volunteer, but also have our work and our decent salary to be able to live. Let rest and enjoy life our older people because they deserve it.
 And they also deserve our lovely young people to work and have them opportunities.
Thank you so much.

Monday 12 February 2018

Knitted cushion

Hi embartisanknitters, how's it going? Today I want to explain to you , how to make a comfy cushion knit, it is easy and quick to do.
Measures and size is 42cm x 42cm.
I used the yarn Sidar colourwhel DK, Shade 205 nature's palette ,oye Ball 150g ball.
A pair of needles number 4 . And five buttons and of course tapestry needle.
All this, we are ready for knitting. So, Let's go !! :-)
Using our 4mm needles, we cast on 94 sts.
Knit stitch 8 rows.
After this we commence patt as folls :
Row 1: (RS)knit stitch to end.
Row 2: knit stitch 2, p to last two are,k2.
Row 3 : knit stitch 2   *(k2 together)three times  (yfwd k1), repeat from * to last two sts , K 2.
Row 4: k(means knit stitch) to end . These four rows form patt.

Continue in patt until four rows patt has been worked 68 times,ending after a row 4.
Okay guys, the next row we make the buttonhole : k2 ;*k7 , Knit2 together , (yfwd)ll this abbreviation mean yarn forward between stitches, OK?. So now twice , k2tog ,k7 repeat from * to last two sts , k2.
The next row we make k2; *p8, pfb (purl into the front and back of next stitch )in yfwd , p8 repeat from *to last two sts , k2.
Beg with a row 3  , work 9rows more in patt.
Knit stitch 3 rows and cast off.
I hope you make this beautiful cushion. remember that you can contact me on :
Take a look at Embartisanknitting (@embartisanknit): https://twitter.com/embartisanknit?s=09
Visit my store online in facebook Embartisanknitting & crochet
Follow me on Instagram and Pinterest.
Thank you.
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet 

Friday 9 February 2018

Knit a St.Valentine's heart

Hola / Hi embartisanknitters, how are you?
reading emails, I have found four emails from one Germany, two from the USA and one from France, these lovely ladies, have asked me how they can make heart in knitting to decorate their home ,. Okay, no problem girls!!
 The first thing ,I want to thank everyone  for  your questions and suggestions.
Well to make a heart knitting for decorates your house, it's very easy ,so take your needles number 5 or 6( remember that it's European size), about the wool choose the colours that you prefer.
Cast on with 3 stitches, knit two rows in knit stitch , now from row 3 to 5 row, you increase one stitch at the beginning and one stitch in the end , so ,At the end of round 5, you will have 6 stitches on your needle.

cast on your own needle another 3 stitches and repeat the 2nd and 3rd steps.

Take off  the part just knit from your needle and transfer it to the other needle, so that the first two parts of the heart remain together.
Now , knit three rows with knit stitch .knit all stitches in knit stitch by decreasing 1 stitch in each round. To do this, knit two stitches together at the beginning of the row.

Repeat this until you have one stitch on your needle.

Well beautiful friends, here we have our heart, you can make bigger or smaller, you can make a cushion, to Box, etc, I would like to know how far your imagination goes. Happy weekend to all.xx
You can find me on
Take a look at Embartisanknitting (@embartisanknit): https://twitter.com/embartisanknit?s=09
Embartisanknitting & crochet Facebook page
Subscribe on my YouTube channel :

Esther embartisanknitting & crochet

Thursday 8 February 2018


I've been 7 days with fever,and with a serious kidney infection,nobody told me why.I I had this problem unknowingly for months. Why don't the authorities put a circular online to inform citizens?. Now I take Trimoptin 200mg twice dayly As a nurse I might think this the there word . Embarrassing!! #Tubbercurry,#Sligo

Monday 5 February 2018


Hello embartisanknitters  , how are you doing today?
Today is a sunny day but very chilly.
Something caught my attention today,that some people from Australia, and USA  asked me about Sligo,Ireland.
It's this..When I say the name Sligo or its provincial towns, they frown and almost speak in a low voice, and hint that it is an insignificant and strange place, as if it were a different country within Ireland itself, such a remote and uninteresting place that is not worth even visiting.

Honestly, I am from Barcelona and I am a very urban woman, I have visited rural places in Spain and in other European countries, rural places are fine, but my stay has always been two or three days and I leave. So by my own admission,I prefer Dublin, but with my current situation this can not be. Returning to Sligo it is intimately linked to the figure of W.B. Yeats (famous Irish poet and Nobel Prize winner for Literature), who spent most of his childhood and youth here and, as he himself admitted, this landscape was the one that most influenced his life and his writing. The Irish nation, in its honor, has given this geographical area the name of 'Yeats Land'.
For me ( ( and the majority of the foreign people who know Sligo )
Sligo is not a city, it is a big town that maintains the air of a village: with small buildings, little traffic and  provincial environment; Sligo it's a warm place, with friendly  and lovely people and cozy corners like the walk on the sides of the Garavogue river.
The mountain Ben Bulben that emerges from the earth abruptly like the fin of a shark in the sea.
I know that they speak two languages ( Gaelic and English ) the same in Barcelona,we speak Spanish and Catalan)+but I have been told that some northern English accents are difficult to understand,but I have had some difficulty here,with a few people's pronunciation and how some people project their words,I mean,some people mumble or speak very fast and some words get lost.
The proof is that I understand 100% people from Dublin, Galway from England and Australians, and why some people here are difficult to understand? . I laugh a lot when the people of Sligo tell me that my English has a Spanish accent, of course I have a Spanish accent because I am Spanish, just as they have the accent of Sligo. this is ridiculous and laughable.

another thing that catches my attention here is when I worked in Sligo, it works but not with stress, there is a good respect, and you can take your time on your decisions, and I was happy with them.
Take your time in Barcelona? LOL . In Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Valencia, they do not allow you to take your time, it's all: Now, hurry , it's urgent!
There is a Sligo site that I love the quiet beach of Rosses Point. but how is it possible that here is the Atlantic ocean and they have so little variety of fish to sell? . In Galicia or the Canary Islands (Spain) they also have this wonderful atlantic ocean, but they enjoy the wonderful fish and seafood that the Atlantic gives. Here in Sligo, ladies and gentlemen, people eat very little fish.
 Another place to visit in Sligo and it's very beautiful is the ruins of medieval castles and abbeys and of course ..OMG I am in love with The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception On Temple Street in Sligo, is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Elphin. This cathedral was built in Norman style, and it is the only Norman styled cathedral in Ireland.

You also need to know that four centuries ago many sailors of the Spanish Armada invincible sought refuge on the Scottish and Irish coasts and ended up mixing and settling their roots in this country.

another thing that I recommend to you  if it does not rain, LOL  is to make bike routes, hiking ... because the environment is more enjoyed the truth, it is beautiful. Yes, all green.
 Thanks to everyone for reading my blog. a hug . Esther embartisanknitting & crochet. You can read this in Spanish in my other blog estherenirlanda.blogspot.com

Friday 2 February 2018


Hello embartisanknitters, how are you? . I've been feverish for a week, but the most important thing is that I'm here and I'm still reading your emails. Today I am going to talk  about curvy women, there are many of you who tell me that you feel frustrated when you want to buy clothes or knit something.
In life, as in fashion and in beauty, everything is a matter of "attitude". Not because you  are curvy,slender ... we are going to dress badly, or we will feel ugly or we will not find the ideal garments to complement each of our looks, everything depends on the information and knowledge we have about ourselves and our body.OK?

Ladies, I want you to pay attention to this question:
Is there style and elegance in a curvy woman?

Of course, yes, there are women who are curvy and their have an exquisite  to choose each garment. Their outfits are loaded with avant-garde, style and glamour.

I understand that each body is a world, but focus on what you like , please.
The classic error is that we long for the body that we don't have and we keep looking for dressing as we would like to see ourselves, this is the worst thing we can do. Then it is important that you focus on what you love about your body and enjoy it. This will make you feel more confident, same that you are going to reflect and if you hide what strikes you from your body emphasizing what you like you will see yourself much better.

Discover what figure you have. You can not dress like you're skinny, no way. You have to identify your form so you can do things correctly. If you have a big bust you have to look for blouses or dresses that let you see your collarbone so that you look thinner, do not abuse at the neckline because then you look bigger.

If you have a big Heep's , look for straight trousers, to hide your butt and lengthen your legs.

If you have a skinny leg and a little hip then wear short dresses (NO MINI) and have a belt to frame your waist and look thinner.

start with the clothes you wear; neither too tight nor too loose.

You can't wear a tunic that, according to you, hides everything you do not like about your body. The effect is the opposite, you see yourself with more volume instead of hiding it. When you use something very stuck then neither is favorable, so it is important that you focus on fabrics that hormen and put everything in place without overflowing anything.
About the colour, I understand that you don't like to wear black and that you want to look more colorful, but you have to be very aware that color increases kilos if it is not well used. If you wear blue pants with a yellow jacket you'll see bigger than you really are. It combines bright colors with neutral tones. Find that the most colorful garment is in the part of your body less voluminous or in which you want to emphasize so that the contrast with the neutral gives you, visually, a thinning effect.

If you like very much the clothes with print it is good that you use it. Do not look for those that are very colorful, nor very big. BEWARE OF !, when I went to the shops to see clothes to dress someone of large sizes I came across clothes that look like the tunic of Homer Simpson when he was obese, ultra big and ultra flowered. Run for the other side and look for some points, flowers or graphics, preferably only two tones. If it's a camisole, it's good that it's wide but below it, put something more tight on the body.

Well dear embartisanknitters, I wish that all curvy women know how to take advantage of their body, and be divine, feel good and comfortable. And so you need to know that you are not alone. It's just I want to explain to you that no matter what size we use, the important thing is to know how to dress well .. ;)
 I wish you all a happy weekend ,and I hope my fever is gone soon to make new tutorial videos on my YouTube channel.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Esther embartisanknitting & crochet