Tuesday 27 June 2017

My reason d'être

Hello everyone , how are you?
There are people who ask me, if I am a midwife or pediatric nurse , why I'm knitting and crocheting. I am a woman over 45, I have asked for a job here at the Irish Hospitals, and they have not given me a job saying stupid excuses, (here in Ireland I only worked in a dentist lab). I got tired of hearing,no, no, no. Thanks to my grandmothers and my aunt, they taught me crochet and knitting when I was 11 years old. I liked it, and although I do not make money for the moment,I am doing this because I truly believe that it will succeed. I am so passionate about this venture called embartisanknitting and I am completely determined to make it work.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Esther embartisanknitting

Monday 26 June 2017

About my blog and my group

Hello everybody,
About this group embartisanknitting from Facebook and my blog Artisan knitting from blogspot. Today I have delighted some people from the group. My blog and my group is not only about sharing crochet and knitting, I also share tutorials, patterns, recipes, buy and sell everything related to do with handmade goods, it can be cakes, sewing ,crochet, cooking.., I am not in favor of prohibitions, But i believe that for the good of all, the only thing I will ban are the following issues: politics, racism or religious talk, since they are generally reasons for aggression, so they will be eliminated without any explanation. the people who offend others, it is very simple , If you do not like something,please let it go or you leave, nobody should be where you do not feel comfortable.
Any problems, let me know in private please,  and  I'll to make decisions. Thank you all. I hope we you enjoy this group  with armory ,passion , respect  and we share everything that we do in life, which I reiterate is not just woven!!
Hola a todos y a todas .
Sobre este grupo embartisanknitting de Facebook y mi blog Artisan knitting de blogspot. Hoy he eliminado algunas personas del grupo. Mi blog y mi grupo no es solo de compartir crochet y tejido, también de puede compartir tutoriales,  costura , patrones, recetas, comprar y vender todo relacionado con hacer algo artesanal, puede ser pasteles, crochet, cocinar ..,
Yo no soy partidaria de las prohibiciones , Pero creo que por el bien de todos, lo único que voy a prohibir son temas :políticos, racismo o religiosos, ya que generalmente son motivos de agresión, asi que serán eliminadas sin ninguna explicación las personas que ofendan una otra, Esto es muy simple , Si no te gusta algo o lo dejas pasar o te vas, nadie debe estar donde no se sienta cómodo.
Si hubiera algún problema hacérmelo saber en privado por favor , yo tomaría medidas para solucionarlo .. Gracias a todas / os. ¡Espero que seamos un grupo hermoso, con armonía , respeto   y compartimos todo lo que no pasa en la vida, que reitero no es solo tejido,crochet !!
Esther embartisanknitting.

Crocheted Peace sign diagram

Hi/ Hola
I'm so happy to show you how to make the peace sign in crochet.
It's very easy you can combine colours.
So if you are ready?
Let's begin !!
Start with 4 ch, now make a slip stitch to make the ring.
Row one : 6 ch, 1 triple treble crochet in the ring ;,9 chains; in the ring 2 triple treble crochet; 3 ch; 2times triple treble crochet in the ring; 3 chains,another2triple treble crochet in the ring ; 9 ch. And s/s. To join top chain on starting 6 ch.

Row two:1ch( doesn't count as first single crochet), now SC ( single crochet) in each stitch around( not in the spaces,but actually in the stitches it looks neater),slip stitch to join in first SC.
Loop 5 ch and ss in next SC.
Here we are the peace sign.
See the diagram below.
Thanks for reading me.
Remember that you can watch my videos tutorials on embartisanknitting emb939 on YouTube, you can subscribe,Comment and share.
Join me in embartisanknitting emb group on facebook.
Follow me on Twitter :@embartisanknit
Instagram: embartisanknitting emb939
And if you want comment or share this blog I'll be glad.
Esther embartisanknitting. Artisan knitting.
Be happy!!

Hermosos consejos

Hola amigos , me gustaría compartir estos hermosos consejos
Pensar positivo. Hacer ejercicio diario. Comer sano. Trabajar duro y con pasión . Mantenerse fuertes . Preocúpate menos. Bailar más , pintar tu vida de colores , hacer crochet ó teje punto con dos agujas , bordar , cocinar , escuchar música.. hacer lo que realmente os   gusta y hacerlo con amor . Ser felices.
Esther embartisanknitting.

Sunday 25 June 2017

Hola a todos y todas .
Esta manta va para una niña de 11 años , y enferma de cáncer, ella está ingresada en  El Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla .
Me escribió un email hace un mes , me dijo que ella y su madre ven mis vídeos en YouTube , y que ellas dos saben que soy enfermera.
Os lo juro como madre que soy , y adoro los niños , yo me puse a llorar al leer su email y sus hermosas palabras hacia mi y a todas las personas que nos gusta hacer crochet y punto.
Pues , mi manera de dar las gracias es enviarte con todo mi amor y cariño para ti Martina . Cuídate y que Dios te proteja y bendiga.
Esther embartisanknitting.

Saturday 17 June 2017

Puntos cruzados en dos agujas

Hola qué tal?
Hoy os voy a explicar sobre los puntos cruzados realizados en dos agujas.
Me lo han pedido varias personas desde mi país España.
Los motivos son múltiplos de 6 puntos más dos puntos de borde.
En el video de mi canal embartisanknitting emb939 de YouTube lo veréis mejor.
Las primeras dos vueltas se hace en punto jersey ( es decir, una vuelta punto derecho y otra vuelta punto del revés). Nota importante : en la primera vuelta el primer punto se teje,el resto de vueltas el primer punto No se teje.
Una vez que has tejido las dos vueltas de punto jersey. Empezamos con la siguiente vuelta con los puntos cruzados. Sé pasa el punto de borde sin tejer. Pasar tres puntos a la aguja auxiliar y los dejas descansar por detrás del tejido. Teje los siguientes tres p. Al dicho. Y luego pasa los tres p. de la aguja auxiliar a la aguja izquierda y los tejes al derecho. Luego vuelve a pasar tres p. A la aguja auxiliar y déjalos descansar por detrás del tejido* , repite todo esto hasta finalizar la vuelta.
Luego haces una vuelta del rev , una vuelta del derecho , una vuelta del revés, y en la siguiente vuelta pasar el primer punto sin tejer, teje los tres primeros puntos al derecho, y ahora pasa tres puntos a la aguja auxiliar y los dejas descansar por delante *   teje los siguientes tres puntos, pasa los tres puntos de la aguja aux. A la aguja izquierda y los tejes al derecho ,repite esto hasta finalizar la vuelta.
Luego se hace otra vez una vuelta de todos los puntos al revés, una vuelta con todos los puntos al derecho, y una vuelta de todos los puntos al revés. La siguiente vuelta se hace el cruce de puntos : un p.s/ tejer, tres puntos a la aguja auxiliar descansar por detrás y así sucesivamente.  Si tienes alguna duda consulta mi video en YouTube ó escribeme en mi grupo embartisanknitting emb de Facebook ó en mi email : embartisanknitting@yahoo.com

Friday 16 June 2017

The clothes of the newborn needs

Hello everyone,
 I would like to give some small tips for future mums. For 24 years I have been a midwife, and I have crocheted and knitted many newborn clothes.

The clothes of the newborn that needs, this list is indispensable:

Bodysuit, pyjamas, socks, hats ... The baby needs newborn clothes specific to him. Do you want to have everything ready when they are born? I detail here the basics that can not be missed.

The newborn needs a whole series of essentials to meet their needs. In terms of newborn clothes, it is not necessary to have a thousand clothes, but it is important that you do not miss the basic pieces, which are:

• Bodysuit, The bodysuit is the most used clothes with the baby, and it is important to have between 5 and 7 bodysuits of different sizes. It is best that they have fasteners in front and in the crotch, to facilitate the nappy change. It is also convenient to have 5 or 7 shirts and 5 or 7 panties .

• Pyjamas . It is the garment that you will use the most during the first months of the baby. For this reason, it is important that the baby's pyjamas and trousers are comfortable, easy to put on and take off. It is advisable to have between 5 and 7 pyjamas and about 5 trousers, in various sizes.

• Hats. Babies tend to lose more heat by the head, so it is advisable to wear a hat, especially if it is cold. The idea is to have a woollen hat and a cotton hat.

• Socks or booties. The newborn still does not wear shoes, but will use socks or shoes to keep the temperature of the feet. It is also useful to have some mittens.

• Sets for walking. You must have newborn clothes to go for a walk with the baby, something that is recommended to do daily if time allows. To walk, you can dress your baby as handsome as you want, but it is advisable, above all, to be comfortable. To avoid getting cold, you must have a coat or anorak.

• Blanket. A very useful basic if it's a little bit chilly or a little bit fresh, whether you are at home or strolling. Anyway, remember that you must cover the baby accustomed to conditions without too much fuss. You may find it useful to have muslin. One trick to know if the little one is cold is to touch the tip of the nose: if it is cold, you should shelter it more. Instead, if you touch the back of the neck and feel

sweating, you can remove some clothes.
 If you want some item made by me, contact me at embartisanknitting@yahoo.com. With all my love: Esther
Find me on embartisanknitting emb group of facebook
Twitter @embartisanknit

Sunday 11 June 2017

Crochet quote .

Memories are #crochet & #knit with love .
Happy Sunday to all. :)
embartisanknitting emb group of facebook
Instagram: embartisankitting
YouTube video: embartisanknitting emb939

Saturday 10 June 2017

Vest top for a baby boy

Hi ,
I want to explain to you how you can make this:
Vest top for a baby boy.
You will need :
3 balls king Cole Panache double knitting
A pair of needles no. 5 and 6.
A pair of scissors.
With the needles no 5. Make  waist band  ( two knit stitch*; two purl stitch*) repeat it 6 rows.
Sixth row change the needles no 6. Make five knit stitches* and 5 purl stitches* ,repeat this  all rows that you need until the  armhole. Then , Reduce four stitches on each side to form the armhole well.
Work until the shoulder.
Check out the video on
Embartisanknitting https://t.co/fpc71PYPzj

Beautiful combination of cable and braid in crochet


Wednesday 7 June 2017

Short Loop Flower

Hello,how are you?
I want to show you how to make short loop flower in crochet.
Crochet flowers are very beautiful,it's easy and very quick to make. You can use to decorate,crochet hats,bags,scarves.
This flower is worked in two colours. A and B.
Make 4 chains and join with ss to first chain to form a ring.
Round 1- one chain ( doesn't as a st) make 8 single crochet in the ring . Join with ss to the first single crochet of round.
Round 2- one chain( doesn't count as a st) , one single crochet in same place as ss . *2 single crochet in the next single crochet, rep from * to end. Join with a ss to first single crochet of round. Now You have 16 single crochet. Finish off A.
Round 3- Using colour B. Join with a ss, one ch ,work *( one single crochet, 9 chain, 1 single crochet) all in the next single crochet. One single crochet in the next single crochet, rep from *. Six times more. Finish off.I hope that you are happy with Short Loop Flower.
Remember that I am in my group of facebook embartisanknitting emb.
Follow me on Twitter@embartisanknit.
And subscribe on embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube videos.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Route to visit my lovely city BARCELONA,Spain

Hello everyone, there are many people who asked me to visit my lovely city Barcelona in a few days. I have planned a route to visit Barcelona in four days.
First of all is that you should always control your belongings. Barcelona is very nice but unfortunately there are pickpockets, they always pick on tourists to steal,so beware!. Please keep this in mind. OK ?
Day 1: Arrival in Barcelona

When you arrive at Barcelona Airport, I recommend that you take the Aerobus, it is much cheaper than taking a taxi, the Airbus will leave you in the Plaza de Catalunya (in the heart of Barcelona (If you want, for this first night I recommend you Here in Montjuic you can visit the Castle, and enter to stroll to eat and drink in the towns of Spain, is a beautiful enclosure that you will be able to see the main monuments of Spain, Also visit theaters in the Parallel.
Day 2: Barcelona: the Gothic Quarter and Paseo de Gracia

Recommended route to visit the Gothic Quarter in the morning with the Cathedral of Barcelona. Then go to the Boqueria Market and eat at ", pinocho", is a bar that I have gone many times. Stroll along Rambla Catalunya and Paseo de Gracia. Visit the Casa Batlló and the Pedrera (works by Gaudí).

In the afternoon recommended itinerary to stroll around El Born visiting the Picasso Museum and the church of Santa María del Mar (Cathedral of the Sea). In the Born I recommend you to see the Station of France (it is a train station that communicates from Barcelona to the rest of Europe), the parc of Ciutadella and the Zoo. Typical restaurants mariners.

Day 3: Barcelona: Las Ramblas and the Sagrada Familia

Morning route recommended by the Ramblas, the Raval and Port Vell. Restaurant recommended in Barceloneta to eat a fantastic paella are the restaurants: "El Sheriff"; "La Gavina" and "El vaso de Oro" In the afternoon visit the Hospital de San Pau and the Sagrada Familia. Later walk around the neighborhood of Gracia.

In the Smart Route you will always have the indications to go from place to place !. This you can ask in your Hotel or in the tourist offices of the city.

Day 4: Barcelona: Park Güell
And if you like football .. visit the two fabulous teams of the city: the Barça "Nou Camp"( Metro/underground Line 5  stop Collblanc, or Line 3 stop Les Corts , or get the Tram. and R.C.D Espanyol Stadium in Cornellá (here you can take bus or Metro/Underground line 5 )
For this last day I recommend you visit the Park Güell, another of Gaudí's great works and visit the Monastery of Pedralbes. If you want more information or other routes, ask me, I'll be happy to help you.
Thanks for asking me this questions.
Esther embartisanknitting.