Monday 3 April 2017

What's it to be unique

 Hello everyone,
My opinion of being the only one implies not following the route marked by the competition and forging our own way. Abandon the conventions of the market on what can be done and what is not, on what works and return to the origins.

It implies forgetting what we think we know, market studies, sector analysis ... and go right to the source that justifies our company: the customer. Being the only one involves forgetting what we know and going out into the real world and really understanding what the client needs (not what he says he wants).

And I'm sorry but there is no compromise solutions. What is in between is not operational excellence, it is mediocrity.

That's mean that  "extraordinary" is "very good"

Yes, obviously one thing often leads to the other. Being the only one often leads us to be the best ... etc. But let us not lose heart. Our goal is to follow our own path, the path of what we firmly believe, of what we are passionate about ... a path that gives terror to travel because none of the competition goes for it. But if it is the path that leads to the client, there is no need to be afraid, it is the right way.

Thanks for read me .<3
Esther embartisanknitting.
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