Saturday 29 April 2017

Punto de cesta en crochet

Hola a todos .
Hoy os voy a hablar del punto de cesta en crochet.
Es un punto muy fácil y rápido de hacer.
Es múltiplo de 3+5 cadenas extra.
Si queréis os invito que veais el video en mi canal de YouTube. Aquí os dejo el link
Bueno pues,en la primera vuelta, hacer toda la hilera p.a. dos cadenas y girar la labor
2 Vuelta:  3 puntos relieve por delante( si no sabéis hacerlo tengo un vídeo en mi canal de YouTube que os lo explico mejor). Osea que esta vuelta es 3 puntos relieve por delante y 3 puntos relieve por detrás. El último punto hacer un p.a. normal.

3 Vuelta: hacer los puntos como se presentan.el ultimo punto un punto alto dos cadenas y girar la labor.
4 Vuelta: tejer ahora todo al contrario,quiero decir que si veis 3 puntos relieve por delante,ahora se tejen al contrario por detrás,así toda la hilera.recordar que el último punto es un p.a. normal,dos cadenas y girar la labor.
5 Vuelta: tejer todos los puntos como se presentan,el último p.a. normal,dos cadenas.
6 Vuelta: tejer los puntos al contrario.
Fácil verdad?
Podéis encontrarme en:
embartisanknitting emb group en Facebook
Twitter @embartisanknit
Subscribete en mi canal de YouTube embartisanknitting emb939.
Un abrazo
Esther embartisanknitting

Basket stitch in crochet

Hello everybody.
Today I want to explain to you how you can make this fantastic stitch.
This design is multiples of 3+5.
If you want check out the video go to my YouTube channel :

So, in the first row, start with 2 chains,and make dc all row until the end. 2 chains and turn.
The second row : make 3 stitches dc around post from front and then 3 dc post of next from back. Alternate it 3 post from front and3 post from back the last stitch a normal dc.2 chains and turn over
Row 3: now make all row the same stitches as you see. Remember that the last stitch you need to do a normal dc.
Row 4: make contrary stitch, I mean, this row is if you see 3stitches from front, now make 3 stitches from the back all row is contrary. Last stitch normal dc, 2 chains.
Row 5: make all row the same as you see. Front of front and back to back.
Remember that you can find me on:
embartisanknitting emb group of facebook
Embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube.
Twitter @embartisanknit
Thanks .
Esther embartisanknitting emb

Saturday 22 April 2017

Five basics stitches/ cinco puntos básicos del crochet
Making foundation chain: start with a slip stitch knot on your hook.
Wrap the yarn around the hook.
Double crochet: insert the hook trough the second stitch and wrap the yarn the hook the large around.
At the end of the row.
Half treble crochet: insert the hook trough the third chain from the hook.
Treble crochet: insert from the four hook.
I invite you to watch the video.
If you like thumps up and subscribe on embartisanknitting emb939.

Friday 21 April 2017

Bobble and cable knitting

Hello everyone, how are you doing today?After resting my wrist, today I had to do something .I want to show you this video and here are the steps to follow. I hope  help you it.:D
Cast On 30 Stitches
Rows 1 + 2: K30
Row 3: K2, P9, K8, P9, K2
Row 4: K11, P8, K11
Row 5: K2, P9, C2B, C2F, P9, K2
Row 6: K11, P8, K11
Row 7: K2, P9, K8, P9, K2
Row 8: K11, P8, K11
Row 9: K2, P9, K4, MB, K3, P9, K2
Rows 10, 12, 14, + 16: K11, P8, K11
Rows 11, 13, + 15: K2, P9, K8, P9, K2

Row 17: K2, P9, C4B, P9, K2
Rows 18, 20, 22, + 24: K11, P8, K11
Rows 19, 21, + 23: K2, P9, K8, P9, K2

Row 25: K2, P9, C4B, P9, K2
Rows 26, 28, 30, + 32: K11, P2, K4, P2, K11
Rows 27, 29, 31: K2, P9, K2, P4, K2, P9, K2
Row 33: K2, P26, K2
Rows 34 + 35: K30
Remember that you can join me in embartisanknitting emb group of facebook;,subscribe on embartisanknitting emb939 on YouTube.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

What you want to learn

Hi all!  Today I can't make anything my wrist is painful and open. I training  Coby,he is my dog ,  he is so cute but very stubborn lol , he trys to dominate us ,when we go for walks,he pulls all the time. Haha.. believe me it's a show.
Well so I am bored ,Ive been thinking a lot about doing some video classes on YouTube. My day job is training and e-learning related so I would really like to try my hand at it on the blog and YouTube embartisanknitting emb939 . I do a lot of small tutorials here and would really like to branch out. So would you be interested?

What I really need is what you want to learn. I love teaching beginning knitting, embroidery, and crochet classes in person so I think the class of video sessions could be the answer. So help me pick what to develop first ...
Crochet, Embroidery, Knitting, all of the above, or something else?

I already have tons of ideas for each of these, but once I find out what you want, I'll develop my ideas and share more information as soon as I get something together.

Thanks blog & embartisanknitting emb group friends, your input will really help me out! I do not want to waste time on something that you do not care to learn.
Esther embartisanknitting

Monday 17 April 2017

Is my child ready to learn to crochet or knit?

Of course,children develop skills at different ages.
I learnt to crochet and knit at age eleven,thanks to my grandmother's and my aunt.
So, you'll need to pay attention to your children skill set. Instead of waiting for them to 'hit the perfect age.
So all children ( boys and girls) are often excited to make a finished project and they are happy to learn.
So please let them pick out their favorite colour and let them wake up their creativity and imagination.
Remember that ,crochet and knitting it's an art. :-)
Esther embartisanknitting.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Manta verde menta para Bebés

Hola amig@s
Os presento esta encantadora manta está tejida en punto Santa Clara y con agujas de tejer número 5.
Yo monté 80 puntos, pero si la queréis más grande podéis montar más puntos.
Recordar que el punto de Santa Clara ó bobo o musgo,siempre se teje en punto derecho ,hacer lo largo que queráis.
Esta manta mide 70 cm de largo.
 Luego en el borde tejí con un crochet número 4 este bonito borde ,consta de la primera vuelta bordear toda la manta con puntos altos.
La segunda vuelta hacer 3 cadenas, 3 p.a en el primer p.a( los 3 p.a en el mismo espacio), dejar 3 puntos sin tejer y hacer un p.b en el cuarto punto , en el siguiente volver hacer los 3 p.a en el mismo espacio , dejar sin tejer los 3 siguientes y en el cuarto un p.b, repetir esto hasta finalizar todo el borde y cerrar con un punto deslizado.

Y ,¡¡ya tenéis vuestra manta para bebé!
Para ver cómo se hace punto de musgo,bobo ó Santa Clara, os invito que veais el video en mi canal de YouTube embartisanknitting emb939.
También os invito para comprar y vender en embartisanknitting emb group de Facebook.
Estoy en Instagram y en Twitter@embartisanknit.
Gracias por leerme.
Un abrazo desde Irlanda.
Esther embartisanknitting.

Saturday 15 April 2017

Filet cross crochet pattern

Hola/ Hello
This pattern is multiple of 3 plus5.

If you look at this diagram is 5 squares so its 3 times 5 is equal 15 plus5 in totally we will do 20 chains.
Row one 1 treble crochet in the 8th chain from your hook
2 ch. Miss the next2 ch. One tr.then you repeat this again until the end.
Row two: make 5 ch , make treble in the treble crochet in row below, two ch. Another tr crochet in tr crochet. In the end make tr crochet in the 3ed chain from the last treble crochet in row below
In the 3rd row we work two filet space working two chains to form an empty square,work 2 trebles to fill in the square. An individual block consist of a treble on each side and 2 tr in the center. To work a block above a filet space. To work a block above another a treble into each of trebles below.
I invited you to subscribe on my channel UCeJPmF3tHiNk6YD-gDVsEAvg
Enjoy it.
Remember that you can find me on embartisanknitting emb group of facebook.
Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting

Friday 14 April 2017

Hola/ Hello

Hi How are you?/ Hola cómo estáis?
En el grupo embartisanknitting emb group de Facebook  , en mi canal de embartisanknitting emb939 de YouTube y en mi blog  htpps:// .
La propuesta es la misma, Compartir, Intercambiar, Aprender y hasta Enseñar; entre todas las amantes del arte de Tejer y especialmente del Crochet. Cariños y besos a todas y todos. <3.
Que paséis un buen Viernes Santo.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Crocheted Waistcoat

Hello everybody/ Hola a tod@s.
Today I want to explain to you how you can make this lovely Waistcoat in crochet.
The difficulty level is moderate.
Size to fit an adult female is 85 cm /34 in bust.
Natura just cotton 50g. X4 balls ; crochet hook 4mm and one button of 2cm in diameter.
With our 4mm hook,we make 170 ch.

Row 1: one dc in 2nd ch from our hook. * miss next 2 ch, and now 5 to in next ch.  Then miss 2 ch. 1 do in next ch; rep from* to end.
Row2; 3 ch( counts as first tr). 2 tr in first SC, * miss next 2 tr, 1 do in next tr, then 5 tr in next dc( between shell's) repeat from * ending last rep with 3 tr in last dc( instead of 5 tr) turn over.
Row3; make 1 chain( doesn't count as a stitch)
One dc in first tr.
5 tr in next dc ( between shells)
Miss next 2 tr,
1 dc in next tr.
Repeat from*, working last dc in top of 3 ch at end.
Repeat rows 2 and3 to form patt.
Work in shell pattern for 26 cm/10 in.
If You want to ask any questions do it in or in this blog..
Sell in embartisanknitting emb group in facebook.
Hugs to all.

Sunday 9 April 2017

Crocheted Minnie Mouse blanket

I'm so happy to show you this lovely blanket. It's small.Specially for new born.
Easy to make.
60 chains.crochet number 5 ó 6 mm
Work half treble crochet 48 rows.
Change your hook ,if you worked with number5 change it for4 to make face and ears
Then for the face. Magic ring. 4 rows.

Ears, magic ring. 2 rows.
If you want more questions,ask me by

Thursday 6 April 2017

Crocheted white baby blanket

Hello everyone.How are you?

I am with fever and knitnes infection. But my passion for crochet has no limits. Lol
Well,This handmade and unique blanket that will give a very personal touch to your sweet baby
It is made entirely by hand crocheted.

Measures 76 width x71 length cm

Used materials
It is made with special acrylic wool for baby.
Bean stitch
Multiples of 2
For buy and sell,check out and join in my group called embartisanknitting marketing group of facebook.
 Interested contact me by email:
Remember subscribe on embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

What does it mean a wool or thread "superwash"?

Hello my friends,
A superwash wool is a special wool product that has been treated or processed in such a way that it allows it to be machine washable. Many people are afraid to knit with wool because it is very easy to shrink (although some people shrink wool on purpose) and superwash wool allows them to knit with fabulous fibers without any concern.
Esther embartisanknitting.
Find me on:
Join me in embartisanknitting marketing group of facebook.
Subscribe on embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube.
Follow me on Twitter @embartisanknit

Monday 3 April 2017

What's it to be unique

 Hello everyone,
My opinion of being the only one implies not following the route marked by the competition and forging our own way. Abandon the conventions of the market on what can be done and what is not, on what works and return to the origins.

It implies forgetting what we think we know, market studies, sector analysis ... and go right to the source that justifies our company: the customer. Being the only one involves forgetting what we know and going out into the real world and really understanding what the client needs (not what he says he wants).

And I'm sorry but there is no compromise solutions. What is in between is not operational excellence, it is mediocrity.

That's mean that  "extraordinary" is "very good"

Yes, obviously one thing often leads to the other. Being the only one often leads us to be the best ... etc. But let us not lose heart. Our goal is to follow our own path, the path of what we firmly believe, of what we are passionate about ... a path that gives terror to travel because none of the competition goes for it. But if it is the path that leads to the client, there is no need to be afraid, it is the right way.

Thanks for read me .<3
Esther embartisanknitting.
Find me on
embartisanknitting marketing group of facebook.
Twitter #embartisanknit
embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube.

Sunday 2 April 2017

Thank you

Hello, thanks for the support from everyone in this countries.
You can comment or ask me.
Greetings from Esther embartisanknitting.

United States

Saturday 1 April 2017

Tutorial punto elástico en crochet
En este video podeis aprender cómo se hace el punto elástico en crochet..
Recordar que podéis comentar preguntar y subscribirse para no perderse ningún video. También me podéis encontrar en .
embartisanknitting marketing group.
Instagram ( Artisan knitting )
Pinterest embartisanknitting.
Twitter @embartisanknit.