Thursday 31 August 2017

Coin purses in crochet

Check out this item in my Etsy shop
Remember that it's free delivery for Ireland.
P & p not exclusive for the rest countries.
It's nice to shop!!

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Friday 18 August 2017

My Barcelona

Hi my friends,
Today I don't speak about crochet or knitting.
Today I want to say stop terrorism. Last time Europe ( Paris,London,Berlin,Belgium...and now my city Barcelona and Cambrils ,Co.Tarragona)suffered those attacks.
It's hard to explain how I'm feeling...
I have lived in Ireland four years ago, and my daughter lives in Barcelona.
When I watched the news about the van crash in the Ramblas of heart My heart shrank with fear, anguish of knowing nothing of her. Thank God, she's fine. But how sad all this, why so much hate? .. They say we are racist? . No. Europe is not racist. But we Europeans can not tolerate that some crazy people attack our towns, cities ... These crazy people have killed innocent people, people who have worked and saved to enjoy a vacation, and who have found death without any fault of anything. Why? Why all this??
Barcelona ,Where I was born, where I grew up and where I have the people I love. All my support to affected families. I love you Barcelona , I love you Cambrils , . I love all people who belive in the pace.
London,NY,Paris,Berlin,Cambrils,Barcelona all Countries.. We are not afraid !
Hugs to all.
Esther embartisanknitting&crochet

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Prices of our designs

Hello friends of embartisanknitting & crochet.
Today we are going to talk about the prices of our designs.Our work and our creativity have to be paid for. It is true that when we start a project of sewing, crochet, knitting or even making a cake,We are afraid to put the price, and there are people who protest saying "Oh Esther,its very lovely, but very expensive", and.. even try to knock down the price of our designs,without respect our work. Please Don't tolerate it!!. Because I wonder if these people know how much the material is worth, our working hours, our tax we pay, etc? Would they barter the prices when they go to the Cinema, or when they go to the hairdresser, supermarket, etc? No, right?. When they go to the cinema, they pay the price that the cinema asks, similarly with us,customers have to respect us and we have to make a profit, Selling designs will not make you a millionaire, but logically you want to earn some money for what you did and not give away your time. This is not to say that if you want to give it away, you can do it. But if you want to make money, think about:
 Price of packaging, boxes, sellotape,etc. ...

- Price of your brand, business cards, stickers with your image.

- Price of your web, blog, cost of online store, etc.

- Price of materials.

- Price of buying raw materials.

- Prices of shipping costs.

- Price of your time.

Study all these points, divide it by the products you make.

- The product is easier to buy. Make them easier the methods of payment: Paypal, cash on delivery, transfer, by card. The easier it gets, the better.

- The product arrives before. If you certify the shipment, if you work with an effective transport agency. Keep the customer informed of the status of your product.

- The product is fashionable. If it is fashionable, you succeed, and if you succeed, your client does not pay for it.

- The product is exclusive. The more different and creative your product is, the client will not mind paying more for it. The more you differentiate yourself from the competition, the better you can put the highest price. Thank you very much for reading me.
A hug Esther embartisanknitting & crochet

Saturday 5 August 2017

How to make heart stitch in crocher

Hello everybody. I want to explain to you that I have my blogspot and this new blog some time i will write too because I have my own Etsy to sale my own designs. My other blogspot is :
Oh yes , I want to say you too that I uploaded my new video on my YouTube channel this is the link if you want watch
This pattern it's a multiple of six stitches plus one .
The first row make all treble crochet until the end.
The second row all single crochet.and change the colour.
The third row you make pineapple stitch of 3. Separate of 2ch. Skip 5 stititches and in the sixth stitch make another 3* pineapple stitch 2 chains* and in the same space make another pineapple stitch ofthree*.repeat this steps until the end.change colour.
Fourth row : all single crochet
Repeat rows 2, and 3.
I suggest you to watch the video on YouTube channel. I think you'll understand better this lovely Stitch.
Thanks. And happy!!
Esther embartisanknitting& crochet.