Monday 24 July 2017

Love yourself & love your familiy

Hello/ Hola.
Everybody knows that I am a nurse who loves knitting and crochet with a passion.
I just I want say that:
In your home, love yourself and love your family.
The same as the  medicine cabinet, crochet needles, knitting needles, cleaning products.. must be installed in an accessible place for you, but out of reach of children.
Take care and be happy. :-)
Esther embartisanknitting.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Lace stitch in knitting

Hello / Hola.
Last week in my video on YouTube Embartisanknitting &crochet channel I put a tutorial about " Lace Stitch " in Spanish and English.
This pattern it's a multiple of 2 plus 1 stitch extra.
Cast on with odd stitches( I mean 1-3-5-7-9-11-13....)
Row one: 1 knit*; knit2stitches together*; yarn over*; repeat this until the end ,but the last stitches, you make one normal knit and another normal one knit. Yes ? ;-)

Row two : all row purl stitch.

Row three : 1 knit stitch*; yarn over*; now pass one stitch without knitting to your right needle*;then knit the next stitch*; and now pass over the stitch that you haven't worked*, repeat : yarn over...until the end.

Row four : all row purl stitch.
Now repeat the rows first,second, third and fourth all the time.
Easy to make, yes?.
If you want to you can find my video on YouTube embartisanknitting "lace Stitch"
Thanks for reading my blog.
Hugs from a Spanish person who lives in Ireland.
Remember be happy. :))

Friday 14 July 2017

Nurses bag in crochet

Hello friends, how are you doing?
 I want to show you this nurses bag in crochet. It is very easy to do is all dc stitches. Measures of this bag: 30 cm / 12 inches wide, and 28 cm / 11 inch long. Enjoy and Happy weekend for all my followers of Twitter:@embartisanknit and Instagram: Embartisanknitting, and all subscribers of my YouTube channel : embartisanknitting emb939.
Remember be happy .:))

Saturday 8 July 2017

Flower in Granny Design

Hi guys,how are you. I hope you are all well.
Today I uploaded a video on YouTube embartisanknitting emb939.
This granny is easy,beautiful and fast.
Start with six chains. Then join one ss in the first ch.
Next row : one chain( counts as first dc) ,make eleven dc more ( in total is 12 dc).
2on.row: 15 ch,one ss in the next chain. This is the first petal. Make 12 petals in total finish with a ss.
3rd. Row. Make ss until arrive in the middle of the petal. Now make 3 ch. ( counts as first a tr) , then make a tr without finish and another tr without finish,when you take 3 loops on your hook,take the yarn and pull through , then make 4 chain and in the same space make another 3tr without finish them close it.this is your first corner; 4 ch; dc in the next petal other dc, makes another corner and repeat all.
4th row:2 ss. Make a corner same the previous row, make 4 ch, one dc in the next petal, 4 ch,now make 3 tr without finish when you get 3 loops on the hook,close, make 4ch, then dc in the next petal,makes another corner and repeat all.
Remember that you can watch my video on YouTube embartisanknitting emb939.
Be happy!!

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Happy 4th July

Hi guys , to all my Americans friends :
Happy fourth of July!!
Crocheted American headband.
Esther embartisanknitting emb group of facebook
Instagram , Twitter:@embartisanknit , YouTube:embartisanknitting emb939.

Monday 3 July 2017

Black shawl

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.
I want to show You  this lovely shawl and while the design is elaborate, don't think it is so difficult.
It is made with square and inside  pineapple stitch , then you join it to give it the length you want, and then the fans are woven around.
I leave my pic and diagram .
I hope you make this nice shawl, and I hope you send me photos made by you. thanks for reading me . Remember that I am in  this blog : , on instagram: embartisanknitting,

in embartisanknitting emb939 of Youtube, on Twitter: @embartisanknit. Instagram and in my Facebook group: embartisanknitting emb. You are all welcome. Be happy !!

Saturday 1 July 2017

African flower in crochet

Hello, how are you doing?
Today we will learn African flower ( if you want follow my tutorial video on embartisanknitting emb939 YouTube).
You will need :
2 or 3 different colours of wool.
A pair of scissors.
Crochet hook.

Start with simple loop ring.
Two chains ( counts as first half treble crochet) ,one half treble crochet,close,one chain* . Repeat this six times. In total you'll get six groups.
Next round . Change colour , 2 htr,close one chain and make another 2 htr in the same space , close and one chain.repeat it until you get six groups.
Next round : change colour . Now in every space make normal treble crochet ( 7 treble crochet in each group) and one SC.finish with ss.
The last round, change again of the colour, make one single crochet every 7th treble crochet. Then make one SC into the hook in the second row and pull up  and  make a single crochet,all row is the same.
I hope you like this tutorial.
Remember that you can subscribe,comment,share in my channel of YouTube.
Follow me on
Twitter @embartisanknit
Embartisanknitting emb club of Facebook.
Instagram : embartisanknitting.

Picot net stitch crochet
Check out my video on YouTube embartisanknitting emb939